Off Topic Landfill 2


Can you send the name of the dealership and sales person you got this deal?


Good thing trusted a-hole I mean “trusted hacker” max showed up. Last time I saw him he was trying to tell I didn’t know what “promulgated” meant until I showed him the #1 most widely used definition from the dictionary. Never anything interesting to add. Just an ass

I’ve spent years of my life living and volunteering in 3rd world Latin counties, donating my time and talents. Have pictures to prove it!

Here’s where I slept a couple Christmas Eve’s ago. That’s a concrete floor. We were building homes for homeless in Tijuana.


Christmas morning in Mexico. What have you done lately?

It’s also totally irrelevant what I do or don’t do. The fact doesn’t change that these lock downs will result in millions MORE people dying of hunger. That is indesputible by anybody who knows economics.

Instead of addressing the topic, @max_g decides to result to ad hominem attacks. It’s his mo. He has nothing to contribute… Ever.

I can almost guarantee that the troll you are responding to never gave a single shit (prior to covid) about people dying/suffering from poverty, malnutrition, lack of healthcare, etc.


hey, can you send me the PM for alfa,lexus,audi,bmw and merc? or just everything u got, thx

Link me please.

It worked. Was a pain to splice the wire in place for the TPMS but everything works. Took me about an hour, mainly because the awkward spot to splice that one wire. Everything else was plug & play. Technically if you didn’t want to splice that wire, the rest is plug & play but you lose ability to unlock truck by remote after remote starting & would not be able to remotely turn off truck.

I hope we can work together Amy, I just sent you an email.

I wanted to ask you for any info on an MB 2020 CLA 250 4Matic. I’m n Brooklyn (11209).

I already have an MB s63 AMG in the household.

I am looking for 36/39 months. 12000/year. Black/Red/Mountain Grey. AMG Line (w or w/o). Premium Package.

Beautiful wagon!


Really interested in your audi deals right now. Sent you a text. PM for my info!

Did the cover end up working well?

Haven’t received it yet. But did put on the running boards!
image image

shoot me a PM…interested

Can you please pm me with Tiguan SE lease? Do you have blue exterior in stock? Any backordered coming in before the end of May?

Can you PM your phone number? Interested in demo bmw 330xi

How do you see the spreadsheet?

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Same question, where can I find this spreadsheet?