Off Topic Landfill 2

He posted his deal in Share Deals

Will check it out… Thanks

I’ll be the first to say that tri-state/SoCal will nearly always beat anywhere else on discounts due to market saturation but please don’t paint the rest of us with a broad brush.

Don’t recall having any inquiries from you regarding a deal but appreciate the vote of confidence. :upside_down_face:

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Can you post more info on this deal?

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I’m looking for a great deal on a truck.

Could you help?

Any comments on techniques you used to negotiate? I don’t have any experience working with luxury brands so would appreciate any insight you can provide. Nice work here!

Wait, But weren’t you the same guy posting target discount advice on the M5 competition thread ?


I posted target discount advice that is ubiquitous on this forum. 10% off MSRP before incentives as an aspirational goal in an effort to help. I’m asking for help in this thread based upon this poster’s experience - has that upset you in some way?

This amount is somewhat brand dependent.

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It’s not nearly as ubiquitous as you make it seem, and it becomes less and less applicable the more niche a car is.


I take your point about niche markets but in nearly every thread with a new user coming to the forum asking for information they are told to target 10% before incentives just like I was when I started posting. Just trying to help.

Your good intentions are noted but you know what they say…

This sort of generalized advice can be very dangerous when it comes to high end BMWs among other cars. For instance: If someone advised “10% discount and then apply the incentives from Edmunds forums” on a flagship car, oh boy

Dangerous how? Care to elaborate and share a personal experience? So many members on this forum only criticize but never offer any guidance. How are new members supposed to learn if all they do is get chided when trying to be helpful?

Best advise comes from your own experience and not from something you read on the internet. Even it’s LH

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More generalities … if this forum promoted people learning purely from their own experience we’d have a bunch of people getting bad deals and posting their sob stories. Isn’t part of the reason this forum exists is to develop a community around finding lease deals on automobiles by sharing our personal experiences and educating one another so others don’t make the same mistakes? You realize this forum is full of “something you read on the internet” right?

You give advise on something you have no personal knowledge about. Start advising on covid-19 treatments then, why not?

Seems like you don’t have much of an argument if you’re already attempting to conflate it with a global pandemic - a little dramatic if you ask me.

Please review my profile and read my posts - I’ve only tried to help in one way or another. Once I gained enough knowledge, I applied it to a lease of my own then shared the results and offered to (and have) put others in contact with my salesperson so they could get similar deals.

So I take the criticism offered and seek to better understand so I can learn yet here we are in our breath holding contest awaiting further criticism in your next post instead of sharing something useful. Oh well.

This site is an amazing repository of information, with lots of data just laid out for all to see. The people that are criticized are generally the ones that have all that information in front of them, and instead of taking it on themselves to absorb it, they ask others to spoon feed it to them.

The other time criticism tends to come out is when dunning Krueger pokes out his head and people try to speak as an authority on something they lack understanding of.

lol, it’s Dunning - Kruger but nice try - that kind of backfired, huh?

I guess I better start flexing my search muscles so I get all the bases covered.

I’m laying in my bed, typing on my phone. I apologize for fat fingering an extra e.