šŸ¦ Next Level Auto:Your most trusted BMW Specialist! Direct:(201)429-7045 | MAY 8-11% off! NEW LOANER DEALS!

me too! The dealers/brokers in Texas suck and overprice for brokering deals (sorry the ones on this forum arent good either :frowning:) . Dan is the best I have EVER run into as well as what my friends told me. Brokers suck so much here and that I have run into I am even thinking of going through Dan then having them shipped to me.

its a stealā€¦

Love me some of that cognac leather. Great car and deal!

@JustoPro Amazing compliment, thank you, thatā€™s high praise Iā€™m not sure I deserve :blush:
Iā€™m 100% certain there are some great midwest/westcoast brokers on LH
Maybe my west coast customers just enjoy hearing my Chazz smooth jazz voice.

If you havenā€™t watched Trolls World Tour, I highly recommend it. I donā€™t remember the last time I laughed so hardā€¦then again, weā€™ve been in quarantine for a month now so maybe Iā€™m crazy~

Happy Friday, and stay safe!

Hey Dan! I PMā€™ed you.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 2

Very interested in the m4 comp vert or m4cs. Would prefer the vert as I only autox 4 or 5x a year but need to get a car for the wife first. Wish the vert lease was as aggressive as the cs!! Trying to wrap up the wifeā€™s car (rav4 hybrid) in the next few days. If m4s are still around then Iā€™ll reach out

Is it possible to work trades into these deals or does that become too complicated. I have a 2017 audi s3 prestige w/23k miles Iā€™d be getting rid of. Previous BMW and Porsche owner if that qualifies me for any incentives.

Is the X5 M Sport 3 row?

Actually I got this type of questions few times, thanks!

This is a small sample of the inventory I can access which is why I indicate ā€œseveral buildsā€ next to most of the models for new cars.

The loaner page I update frequently and are specific cars/suvs.

1 Like

Interested in 750MSport and X5Ms that you have in stock. How do we get started and can you ship to WA?

Get an online quote for shipping.

1 Like

Yes, I can work in trades with the dealer, no problem! I would still try carvana or vroom if they are still buying cars outright.

Hearing rumblings from a few dealers that BMW canceled all June allocations, and the US wonā€™t get new cars until September.
Bonus cash may disappear for them until then, which means dealer discounts may weaken as they try to limit money-loser deals. Who knowsā€¦

Thanks for the surprisingly insane month so far!


Interested in the X3. Cant send you a message past 120 characters. Please message me.

I think only the subject canā€™t be more than 120 characters. Message can be longer.


It actually helps me if everyone changes the subject to the car you are looking for so I can find you again easier when scrolling through the PMs. Thanks!

Please send me a Private Message with:

Color/options preferences
Zip code
Miles needed
MSDs or no MSDs
Loyalty or Conquest
Any other incentive you may qualify for ex. new grad, penfed, OL, etc.

Heard anything about whether theyā€™ll just move on to 21s?

I havenā€™t heard about 2021s yetā€¦I do see a lot of 2020s still just sitting at the ports waiting to be trucked out of there.

LAST i8 deal pending to LH member!


These deals are amazing

Check that, 2019 i8 coupe back to available again! Must have excellent credit!

Hey, Pmā€™d you!