Off Topic Landfill 2

Can you share the spreadsheet. I am looking for a 2020 s5, p+ sportback

how do i check out the spread sheet

Donny send me a link to the spreadsheet, thanks.

Lease cash is $1000 and $1000 conquest/ $2000 loyalty in most markets. MF is .00118 for June.

god you’re a pussy


I think you can get a deal on a Benz in Oakland California


Its a quote from 9/11 and you proved my point that people forgot in the end.

I’m not “people” that were waiving flags or plastered 9-11 stickers all over my truck rear window, nor I ran for political office or invoked 9-11 memory to increase my military budget, you know, same people that would not make a “sacrifice” to wear a mask in public. I’m just a kid standing on the Brooklyn Bridge, watching a pile of smoke where two large buildings used to be, hardly an ample subject in your theory.

Yup like the looters sacrificing their social distancing requirements. Again, thanks for proving my point. Have a nice day.

Looters are wearing masks, must be due to their political beliefs, lol.

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You can put me in this column.

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Elon Musk calls Ferguson an “utter tool” who does “absurdly fake science.” Jay Schnitzer, an expert in vascular biology and a former scientific direct of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center in San Diego, tells me: “I’m normally reluctant to say this about a scientist, but he dances on the edge of being a publicity-seeking charlatan.”

Be careful. You going against a narrative. There will be a lockdown of the thread to prove a point. You cannot speak against the party narrative.

I’m also boarding a plane tomorrow afternoon for the 13th time since mid-March. :airplane: :palm_tree:

I think you are looking for infowars dot com.

This was a complex fast moving situation. Different places responded differently. With what we know now would a different response have been warrented? Probably. But the Fauci of sweden said the same thing about his countries response yesterday.

Of course, if you think the 100k dead here are fake and this was a deep state ploy, there isn’t anything we need to learn.

No not looking for infowars. Alex Jones is a moron, but free country and people can listen to him like they listen to some of the CNN, MSNBC, FOX biased journalism.

43% of them were in nursing homes and most from destructive policies of northern east states. Colorado just revised their tally 25% downward. A democratic run state agreed their tally of deaths was wrong. Washington state they found 5 dying from gunshot wounds listed as covid. Plus the bump in payments hospitals get for covid makes me wonder.

Any death is wrong but to lock down for 3 months now is detrimental and wrong. I was ok till end of April but past that i saw it was all bs and a power trip.

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Let’s ignore NY, with the useless BdB and the messed up relationship between him and Cuoma. What did Charlie Baker (R) do wrong beyond being the governor of a Commonwealth with an early super spreader event?

This is why I included infowars comment. Do you think this is some global conspiracy? It’s not just blue state governors. Did the Hindu nationalist Modi in India sabotage the economy and lock down for a power trip? Did the Mullahs in Iran destroy their economy/risk their rule to lock down for a power trip?

I agree we need to consider the harm of lock down versus the potential death toll. The tremendous long-term social and economic cost of keeping the schools closed in September is a very significant tipping point. But the decision must acknowledge how many of the 80+/pre-existing condition crowd are gonna die and maybe provide benefits to these people so they can at least financially afford to avoid interaction with the public until we have a vaccine.

Thats why i said until end of April i was ok with it. But beyond that was reprehensible to destroy small business and was a power trip. And not just NY include MI, NJ, PA, MN, CT, MA. Minnesota 89% is in nursing homes. In PA its 70%. So why not protect those communities but instead lock up the people that most likely will pass the virus?

Why doesnt media praise Desantis, Kemp, or Abbott? Thats right, they protected nursing homes. And if colorado lowered it by 25% clearly that is something other states will most likely do. Italy said 96% of people that passd had other conditions. So the healthy could have gone with their lives after all? Just protect the at risk population.

How can I view the spreadsheet

Hi there. I am new to this forum. It is very interesting question because I also have credit score. Thanks for the information.