Buying a car will never be the same

Nah, just change the title lol

Har! I’ll just start a new thread… :wink:

Oh but hold on, you have to wear a mask on plane, that fixes everything right? Since everyone is wearing a mask there’s no issue, or is this all just Masterpiece Theater? Planes do have hepa filters, the Rona Inn and the Ronamart gas station do not.

The run-of-the-mill mask will help mitigate, but not prevent rona. The point of the mask is to limit the amount of droplets that reach the air, and lessen their travel path. Therefore, if someone wearing a mask coughs in a big old jet airliner, there’s still a risk there, albeit smaller if a mask is on.

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Precisely this. There’s a big gap btw being totally preventive and it all being for nothing. If the mask decreases infection by 20%, the HEPA filter decreases by another 20%, and spacing people out decreases by another 20%… On a population level, it can make a big difference. And given no vaccine or curative treatment (yet), I’ll take whatever decrease wherever I can find it.

It’s all kind of ironic because the scared people aren’t actually flying, the people on the plane are just playing along with the rules. It’s my experience that there’s two camps now, people that are still completely freaked out and paranoid(overdosed on news/soc nets) or they are completely over it and don’t care.

Although mask usage is up in my local grocery, even the millennials are wearing them. The great thing about Colorado, some countries require them, others don’t.

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Looks like this is fake news! Don’t bother reading these articles, numbers over inflated edited 5/28/20

Oh here’s more fuel for the lock down fire, funny how sources like CNN aren’t reporting this one, must be fake news. Even the local news modified the headline, don’t won’t to throw anyone off(second link)

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Doesn’t surprise me. There have been plenty of studies done that show what unemployment can do to premature death rates. Add in isolation and depression and what else could happen?


So, probably more unemployment than stay at home, no? I highly doubt people start killing themselves just because they have to stay at home and continue getting paycheck.

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I know a lot of single people that are suffering from depression issues due to long periods of isolation, even while being perfectly fine financially. Add in people that are small business owners suffering from no cash flow and watching all their years of hard work get destroyed by policies that don’t make sense and you’ve got a recipe for really rough times for a lot of people.

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Right. So mostly loss of job/income than isolation, I’d think.

No, I don’t agree. It’s two circles in the Venn diagram. Two different stressors that effect different people. There’s a worse off third group that’s the overlap.


And the Republicans will never win again was the saying in 2008. How untrue that came to be. Agree. Or the best one, We Will Never Forget. Well, yeah not sure anyone remembers anymore.

Remember what? “Regular flu kills 100x more people than that…”

I’ve been awake since 9am Monday, I barely remember what my name is, how am I supposed to remember what pre-quarantine was like.

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Exactly my point. Thank you for proving it. After all, history started in 2017.

Not sure what point my sarcastic remark was proving, other than, when it suits them, people will use the “flu kills more” or “more people die in car accidents” excuse rather than do anything significant.

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What does any of this have to do with buying cars, the topic of this thread?


Maybe CNN was right not to cover it since it appears the doctor’s statement was between misleading and factually incorrect.