New Cars for Sale - Leads from LHers!

2023 Ariya

Cannot believe. Noone wants Ariya anymore LOL.
Because of the Starbucks gift card ? :upside_down_face:


Sometimes it’s not just about the deal. Ariya on the West coast seems like a poor value considering so many people love Tesla so much and need to keep up with those Jonses.

I was talking to someone who actually liked the Ariya. I got them in touch with a local dealership that was doing a Engage AWD @ 15% off MSRP with a 0.00126 MF and a 53% resid on 10k per annum miles. Made the monthly (after California tax) only $415. Ariya on the East Coast is even cheaper with all those crazy deals they run over there.

But the guy’s wife wanted a Tesla. So even though the Tesla was another $200 a month after tax, she said there was no way she was going to drive a Nissan and have to explain driving a Nissan to their friends.


This unit has sold


None of the offerings on AutoNation Mobility are very good (e.g., effective $900/month on a Bolt EUV), except for maybe this one?

$1,439/mo with $1,439 drive-off for a 12-month lease, including Los Angeles taxes and registration, on a $91,880 MSRP Defender 130. It’s cheaper than an equivalent LRFG 24-month or 36-month lease with the same discount ($10,885 off MSRP according to the dealer website). It’s even more favorable compared to a traditional lease if you go for the 1,200 mi/month option; adds only $67/month.

Wonder if it’s been sitting on the lot because of the color (Sedona Red).


33 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off-Topic Landfill 6

Widebody Hellcat Chargers and Challengers $6k off. The also have manual Challengers.


Multiple EQS loaners. Just saying…

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Not new but it’s pretty pimp. The yakuza special


2023 Nissan Aryia Available

My dealer called me and said that he can bring more Ariya’s if i will find anyone interested.
Dealer is one hour of driving from NYC.

PM me please with specific trim and color You are looking for.

ONLY serious enquiries while this involves dealer swap and some cost associated with this.

Happy hunting.

P.S. Starbucks gift cards optional. LOL😇

Price range will be very similar to those posted by @z0lt3c on the link below.

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To All who sent me a PM
The dealer has a hard time to get any units from other dealerships.
Ones he will have something finalized i will post it here.
Sorry for that.

But Aryia Venture + for $317/m with no Loyalty is still available.
TY :blush:

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There is an “*” there, obviously, for the fees and taxes. But “Due at Signing” is due at signing.

The Nissan dealership in Pennsylvania that I got my Ariyas from have two more that they would like to move before month end.

2023 Nissan Ariya Platinum+ AWD
Black Exterior
Blue Gray Interior

I get nothing from this other than the satisfaction of providing a lead that hopefully turns into a mutually beneficial deal. I was treated well by this dealership and it’s important to me to maintain the relationship.

Before sending a PM please consider the following:

  1. Best deals are for NJ residents due to regional rebates/incentives and no EV sales tax.

  2. Loyalty Incentive (currently own/lease Nissan in household) makes a big difference on monthly payment

  3. Must have excellent credit and willing to lease/purchase this month.

I will respond to PMs in the order recieved and update once inventory is depleted.


Long Island daeler offer
Not great but maybe someone is desperate.

NISSAN Ariya Evolve + AWD
$56,xxx MSRP
NY 8.625% tax included.
**~8% daeler discount **
$430/m. $1000 plus DMV due at signing.
NO Loyalty included.
Several to choose from.
Program ends tomorrow.

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Pending Sold…

-Unicorn Hunter


Hello Hackers
I was almost ready to sign the deal but my boss vetoed it. But the deal is available!!. Total discount $18000!! They can do the paperwork online and deliver to you.
Dealer: Glenburnie
Contact: Jerome
Phone# 443-540-7650
Ref: Mr. V


X3m comp manhattan green Arizona - hungry for a deal


Koons is doing $9k off on orders submitted through today and also on an instock 392 if anyone is interested