Hi Hackrs!
OK, I’ve been leasing cars for years. But only after finding this forum have I realized how screwed I’ve been getting all this time. Better late than never…haha! With that said…I would GREATLY appreciate any help.
We’re in the market for a BMW 330e. I recently got an email from BMW North America with a personalized $2000 corporate incentive. (not sure how I got picked for it). I also qualify for a USAA/military incentive. (dealer claims it’s only $500)
I’ve been going back and forth between 2 dealers…one with a 2018 and one with a 2017. Both brand new. Apparently I can’t use the above incentives on loaners.
Attached is the paperwork for the 2018…
Based on some some older 330e posts I’ve seen here, I thought I’d get a lower monthly payment considering the $2000 BMWNA incentive, $500 military discount, and $3000 govt tax break pass on from BMWFS.
Details on the deals:
Residual: 61%
MF: 00192
For 2018:
MSRP: $49,945
Discout: $2,557
Rebates: $5,500
Adjusted Price: $41,888
Balance after fees and stuff: $43,439
36mo/10k miles/$1000 out of pocket: $544/month
For the 2017: (told to me over the phone)
MSRP: $48,345
Adjusted Price: $39,300
36mo/10k miles/$1000 out of pocket: $489/month
The dealer also told me BMW did away with MSDs over the summer, so according to them, there’s not much more I can do to lower the monthly.
My goal is to get 12k miles/year and zero our of pocket. We have a 2 month old at home so any “out-of-pocket” savings would go straight to diapers!
Thanks so much for the assist!!!