Mercedes Benz EQS Lease Superthread - 2

People have been saying that every month for months. The truth is nobody but MBFS knows.

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Why stop if ppl still shopping for them lol

I’m just curious.
Is anyone interested?

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not bad but don’t want sedan

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where was the deal
can I see the deal

Did the posts of people getting these EQS for sub $300 effective payments get deleted? Thought those deals would be more prevalent by now for 2023s

I think these were possible with the March madness incentives.

Though some dealerships still play ball on those.
I suspect if this month is truly the last lease eligible month, they will clean house on it


Final one pay amount $11250


what would be the base money factor for a 2023 eqe loaner in Texas this month (on rate finder I see both a subvented and normal rate). And how much is the amex incentive (is it 2500 or 5000)

I was offered 36/10 750 per month 3500 das for msrp 95k 5k miles loaner

Anyone notice inventory of 2023 EQ seems to have just magically disappeared? From Friday to Monday my CarGurus search results for EQS SUV have gone from plentiful to barebones. And I was watching the websites of several dealerships who were sitting on 3-6 loaners for months and not budging an inch on price, most of which I confirmed were still available last week, and now they’re all suddenly gone this week.

Did an army of well heeled suckers just materialize over the weekend at MB dealers across the country with wallets open to pay full price for cars that weren’t selling last week? Did the brokers here on LH move them all at 15-17% off? Or did dealers dump them somewhere and they’ll show back up later in the month? I’m stumped.

A bunch of dealers got rid of them assuming lease support would end last month

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Looks like a few got shipped to California

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Auction. Dealers didn’t want to risk it for ending lease support.

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Maybe I misunderstand how these things work, but doubtful any of these were auctioned off. They’re worth 15k-20k less as auctioned vehicles vs as dealer trades that still have lease support.

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I think dealers can swap/trade units while keeping lease eligibility. A lot of units I was watching ended up with Cali dealerships

Does anyone have experience with the Mercedes new car tire warranty of 1 year/12K Miles? Trying to understand how they treat loaner leases (whether I am first “owner” or dealership when they had it and if the date of my lease counts as the inservice date).

Any tips on replicating that? Great pick up!

Reach out to dealers with 2023 loaners and make an offer and tell them lease support is ending this month and they’ll get stuck with them

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I have EQS580 2024 600 miles i got it last week my wife dont like it
any advice what to do ? or anyone looking to buy one in very very good price MSRP 133K
i can do around 95K

Give your car to your wife and drive the EQS yourself. I hope you leased this.