May 1 - Finally the end of the BMW flea market

What’s the new BMW this month :smiley:?

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Volvo dealers sit on large inventories of XC60/XC90 with MY 2020 coming soon.

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True that @Ursus . Just picked up 5 series tonight all courtesy of @mani_is_kool :slight_smile: .

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If I hadn’t gotten my M3, your car would have been in my driveway :smile: :smile: :smile:
Congrats and Enjoy !

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I wonder if BMW worries about the dilution of the brand at all with such heavy lease subsidies? Granted, the uninitiated aren’t getting deals like this on the regular, but too much of this could push them down market a bit.

I believe there’s such a small minority of us making deals like these that ultimately it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme.

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BMW sold 311k vehicles in 2018 in the USA - we make up such a small portion of their total sales, it goes unnoticed.

The masses are walking in, leasing a 3 series for $600 a month, and driving away with a smile… Be grateful for all them, because without them, we don’t get deals.


$700 if they get suckered into protection packages and nitrogen tire fills…

My salesman actually showed me a redacted lease contract on an Nov 18 lease for $628/mo on a middle-of the road equipped X2-X…

There has to be some downside to blowing out units at the end of the MY since Audi doesn’t do it. Of course, Audi is 100k behind BMW in annual USA sales.

I think BMW does it because the blowout sales are mostly on their lowest level cars - X1 and X2 + 3 series. Sure there have been some 5 series deal but it’s mostly the compact class cars/SAVs.

A low car payment on 1% (Likely MUCH lower % than this) is a very effective marketing tool and can ultimately be cheaper than buying more air/radio/print media time.

If my cars turn out to be reliable and inexpensive to use, then that’s all the convincing I need to get into another BMW at lease end while at the same time talking a friend or two into the same.

I’ve seen quite a few well below 1% on 7 series in the last month. So cheap to the point where I’ve added it to my consideration set, even though I really need an SUV.

Also seen a bunch of blowouts on the 6 series and M3 CS as well - def not just limited to 1 & 2.

In fact, the only ones I haven’t seen the numbers I covet are on the 2 models I want (X5/X7).

Very true!!! I can recollect my last month visit to a dealer where the customer in adjacent cubcile walked out with ~ $480+ for a loaner X3 and we were sitting to bring it down below $350!! thanks to LH Hackers & entire community.

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So messed up support from BMW in regards to 3 series. Some states do not have lease support for 3 series with exception of m3 and m3cs.

Not surprising but such is life.

Wouldn’t be surprised if this changed, only takes one dealer with a bunch of 3 series to stir the pot and get the program updated

I read somewhere that aggressive lease pricing is how they’re able to discount vehicles without having it appear to the market that they’re discounting them. In other words, instead of offering crazy blowout specials and selling a new 3 Series for $20k off MSRP which would affect its market value they improve the lease rates and incentives.

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I still feel it makes for a good marketing tool. While I was perfectly content with my loaded XDrive X2 at $370/mo all-in with just MSD’s due at signing despite $2,400 in TTL, doc fee rolled in and a small markup on MF, I wouldn’t have bit on the second one if not for the ability to drive off for half the price on a much less loaded one.

The worst part about the BMW flea market is that I would not likely be able to transfer mine at $330/mo. :wink:


Just need to brace yourself for the Unicorn Cavalry Brigade if you post on Private Lease Transfer. Followed by some PMs asking for trunk cash. :beer:


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