Please reach out to us if you’re coming up to the end of your lease. We’d be happy to buy out your lease and help you avoid the turn in fees, taxes, excess mileage fees and in most cases help you get equity from your lease considering the current market!
I referred my friend to Anthony and they were very transparent about the transaction.
My friend ended up trading their Infiniti in to Nissan (I guess there is a “family” loophole to 3rd party buyouts) but would have used Anthony otherwise because his offer was actually better than CarMax and some other dealers.
He highly recommends giving them a call if you can’t trade in your lease.
Thanks Hunter, sent you a quote. I will follow up when I receive the actual payoff without tax and let you know either way if its different or the same. thanks!
You got it! I hope my offer is competitive or at the very least we can make selling your vehicle as seamless and hassle free as possible for you.
If you decide to sell to an online retailer like carvana, vroom or even carmax…If your lender makes you payoff your vehicle, they require you pay tax ( I’m not required to pay tax) and that will eat into your margin of return.
Also by the time you receive your title 4 to 10 weeks later depending on your states DMV and lender, the offer will most likely change with the seller further eating into your margins.
yes I buy vehicles from NY. if your within city limits, i really need lots of photos of the vehicle, tires, wheels etc. those vehicles tend to come with a lower condition report ratings when I get them in.