Interesting Global statistics

It’s irresponsible to say this is overblown. Period.

There are well past 13k dead and 330k cases globally. And counting.

Be human, ferchrissakes. Just because one person’s circle hasn’t been broken yet doesn’t mean it’s no big deal.

This situation is quite real. And the middle section of the country is slow to embrace precaution. I predict a huge spike in flyover country coming right up.


I want to interject a little levity, we could all use something to make us smile. I my daughter graduated as a teacher last May and teaching 4th in a NJ Public school. Many of her alums are also teaching through-out NJ & MD, and an Alum posted this from one of the kids they are remote schooling. Enjoy, I laughed hard when I saw this, because I can feel the kids pain :laughing:



We’ll see how Rand Paul handles it. He’s a fighter that one.

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Seems to me that the two coasts were/are very bad offenders of heading the warnings. Gov. Coumo just posted what looked like a large gathering in one of the NYC Parks, and said this is exactly the behavior that needs to stop. I haven’t seen that about the fly-over states, and hope they would be better, but if not, it will make it worse for all of us.

Considering Ohio only now today announced a stay home order, I beg to differ. One thing for people to ignore the orders, yes. Another to not even have the orders in place.

Look at the China stats, they look so bogus compared to any other country. China is a*****e!

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Damn, what happened in China on the 12th of Feb

How is it horribly inaccurate to codify a hospital death of someone with Coronavirus as being from Coronavirus?

It’s not like hospitals in Lombardy can autopsy them right now.

I really don’t think anyone can reasonably suggest Italy is over-stating CV-related deaths. The mayor of Bergamo said they are under probably under-stating them, because old people dying in their homes are mostly not being counted

In a perfect world there would be perfect statistics.

So what you’re saying is that there are very inaccurate numbers regarding death counts (positive or negative) and I’m sure we can all agree that the number of people tested at all is a very poor representation of the number of people with the virus.

Crap numbers divided by crap numbers gives horribly inaccurate statistics.

If I had to guess, I would postulate that the number of deaths is higher than reported but the rate of death is much lower than reported, but be them high or low, the current numbers are definitely not accurate.

In this specific case, it would be helpful if the data was at least collected in the same manner. The Italy Health Minister statement to me, at bare minimum, says that they’re counting things in a manner different than the norm.

One this is for sure, China’s numbers are :ox::poop:, and North Korea saying nobody has it

Couple of days ago Russia had its first death, reportedly an older lady. Today Russia shows 0 deaths :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Yeah that’s bogus too.

I mean, he sure can take a punch :fist_right:t2: :boom:. He needed reconstructive surgery when his neighbor got done with him.


Yeah, sure! We are testing a very small percentage of sick population but we know numbers…The infected numbers are much higher and the death rate much lower…that is why this is overblown…that and the fact that everyone thinks this is the end of civilization.

Later yesterday it will be announced that vodka is the cure for the virus.

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I reckon some 14,000 families would disagree vehemently.



Do you care for the victims of the regular flu or blinders or on and tight? Never let facts get in the way of a good horror movie, huh?

Anyone wanna guess what human right we will lose after this attack?

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The fact is that well past 14k folks are dead.

I call that a pretty horrible thing.

I won’t dignify this with a response. :arrow_down:

I’m with you on this Italy has a history of overwhelming numbers of Influenza deaths. A lot of studies in the past on this.

If people want to be alarmed Shooting deaths in the south side of Chicago last year is still outpacing this flu.

Anybody hearing about the malaria drug that Trump mentioned. Seem to be some international studies of it in France and such and also being used for cases in NY currently based on some interviews i seen.