Interesting Global statistics

Its Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin. Hydroxychloroquine is a 60yr old medicine to treat malaria, and my mother-in-law was recently put on its 4mos ago since they found it also helps w/ joint pain from Rheumatoid Arthritis.

To piggyback…Azithromycin is an antibiotic that’s been around too. If you ever got a Z-pal, you got azithromycin

Ok let me explain few things here
My wife and I are both physicians that work in NYC.
No one is understanding the problem here. The problem is not how deadly is covid but how unprepared we are and the load of cases that we have and how serious it is. The amount of people dying will increase with time not because how bad is the disease but how low on supply and man power. It is sad that you see someone dying because you cant put him on a breathing machine because it is not available or because he cant get a bed in icu.
Some People are not taking things seriously and they may spread the disease to 100s and thousands and then hospitals will not have the capacity to treat everyone even moderate casses and the death toll starts increasing dramatically like in italy. We are facing a major issue here!!
I was using the same face mask for a week. Thats bad!!
Please Everyone should take this is thing very seriously.
No need for statistics i am telling you it is bad
I am a GI doctor and my wife she is a rheumatologist we were deployed to cover people with covid and we are not working in our specialty because of shortage of providers. The same for nurses and respiratory therapist…
it is true we are using chloroquine and sometimes in combination with abx azithromycin in nyc and other. We dont have clinical trials and it is only few studies with small amount of patients but this is the only thing that we have (also we started having shortage of the drug)

  1. thanks for the sacrifices you and your wife are making, working outside your specialties to treat acute patients. And for what you said here.

I’ve seen studies that combinations of AIDS (not HIV and not Prep) antivirals had some effect. We know it’s a virus, we have a lot of research into antivirals, but we don’t know what treatments actually work, and why. There is a ton of research in virology treatments that were redirected long before this pointless thread was born. Experimenting on people is a longshot and wastes drugs that are needed for their primary/secondary/tertiary on and off label application: this isn’t one. After 7 years in cancer research and clinical trials I’m happy to debate the importance of clinical trials and data elsewhere, but all the anecdotes end in dead people who didn’t need to die or get any kind of palliative care.

And I think that’s @anon92897398 point about doing the absolute least we can do (stay the f home) and let the medical system catch up and do its thing so people don’t die unnecessarily.

And we agree on very little, but your point about the flu isn’t the negation, it’s the “yes and”. I get the flu shot every year. I get tested and quarantined immediately if I think I’m sick. The blessing I hope we take away from this when things return to normal is flu season behavior all the time: wash your damn hands AND cell phone AND steering wheel AND doorknobs (at appropriate intervals obviously), cover your mouth when you cough, stay home if you think you’re sick, get the flu shot get the flu shot get the flu shot - no excuses for any of it. I travel a lot so I do all the things all the time and IDGAF if people think it’s odd. We all should.

This thread has more than run its course. It started to be about facts and data, that lasted 2 posts.

Mods :closed_lock_with_key::pray:t2:


You shouldn’t be talking if you can’t even tell the difference between a seasonal flu and whatever virus this is. It’s an insult to the people that got it and the people that work in the healthcare system.

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I have been tracking this since early January when some rumors were circling around in China. I still remember I ordered a bunch of masks before China and WHO had to release information about it. I got the last shipment before 3m placed a stop order to the general population. I was able to pass some to my friends in Europe and Asia before it hits the states. Little did I know we are going to get hit the same way like they did. I am down to my last couple of boxes, I gave some to the nurses I know. The only responsible thing I can do is stay at home and let it boil over. If we keep going out, we keep extending this. There aren’t enough stimulus to deal with the problems that are coming. They need to force people in for a month, let it boil over and we can start life over. This half ass containment will just keep burning.


It will take hours until a new one will pop up…people are scared because that’s all they are feed though the tv theses days.

That is truly the most frustrating part about all this. Imagine you are forced to chose between 2 evils and after all considerations you end up choosing both.
If you wanna stop the virus with the risk of crashing your economy then do that…if you wanna deal with the deaths and keep the economy then do that…but no, let’s do both. How the fuck will this be stopped in CA if the neighboring states don’t have the same measures in place? What will prevent the virus from coming back? Are we doing this shutdown every other month or one per quarter?


That I agree with. To expand further, you can say the same about all government during the initial outbreak in China. For a month, we let people move in and out of there and spread diseases. They did it to not spoof the market.

To make matters worse, Americans don’t have the same attitude when it comes to virus. In Asia, people do everything to buy masks. In America, we line up to buy bullets.

The good news is that the United States does have more resources than a lot of other countries, we will survive. It’s just a matter of how many will die and how long this is going to be.

Japan got hit so badly because they wanted the Olympic to happen. Now they got a bunch of people sick and the olympics will likely be postponed.

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People look at the number and for whatever reason think this is small. The reason we need to do this is to slow down the spread and get to the point where a vaccine is developed. The hospital can’t handle the pandemic while also having to deal with people who have cancer, heart attack etc. Will those death be counted as Corona virus death? Should they, if they can’t get to the hospital bed to get treated because all our health care workers are trying to fight the virus?

The tragedy I see, is how ill prepare this country to handle a pandemic. If people think this is a relatively small pandemic. Will we be prepare for one that is x times worse than this one?

Related to the title of the thread that is a great statisticical question. If a 14 year old kid dies from an asthma attack since there isn’t a hospital bed for him, is that a cornovirus death? What about someone who got into a car accident and dies from internal bleeding?
Ultimately they probably won’t be counted since you can never know if they would have survived even with treatment while in reality most of these people should be added to he coronavirus casualty count.


I don’t watch the news or even scan the headlines these few days, but for one or another reason understand this is more serious than the flu or even the shooting deaths in Southside of Chicago, if that’s even possible. This is potentially millions of NEW deaths every year that shouldn’t have happened. Simple as that.

Events like this certainly make you wonder if you can rely on the numbers of sick / dead in China? Especially when the Gov’t requires cellphone usage for health code generation, which allows people to move through-out a region.


They are trying to spin it that it was due to duplicate numbers. It’s crazy.

My friend who’s a rheumatologist was informed by her hospital that she may be called upon to do ICU coverage. And her first reaction was, “Uh, you realize I haven’t done an ICU rotation in 12 yrs, right???”

I live near a large, university-based hospital system in LA, and they’re running low on PPE and trying to get the research depts to donate their supply.

It is indeed bad.

This is not a seasonal flu (since it’s not clear that the spread will stop w/ the changing seasons). The idea of herd immunity is unclear in this situation since it’s not clear if people who have cleared the virus actually have immunity (and if they do, it’s not clear if immunity lasts for more than a few wks-mos).

And, yes, the seasonal flu does result is more deaths… for now. And the mortality rate for COVID-19 is probably lower than we think since many more people than can be tested probably have it. But the rate at which infection is spreading is very concerning, and it appears for now that the fatality rate is higher for COVID-19 than it is for the flu. Influenza is well-studied thing… COVID-19 is not.

On a vaguely car-related note, GM will be building ventilators.

Hopefully, they do a better job w/ ventilators than they do w/ cars…


I saw a tweet from a person in China where they had video of them sweeping up 1000’s of cellphones at the crematoriums, not sure if it is real or made up.

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Who the heck knows what’s real with China.

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So there was a coverup of 14.5 million dead bodies? There’s no way to dispose that many without something showing up in satellite images… just imagine how many hundreds of thousands of trucks would be needed.

Trump would be happy to declassify them and expose China. If they existed.


A few facts. Italy sees on average about 70k influenza deaths every year. So far they have about 6k Chinese Corona virus deaths. Average age of death from the disease in Italy is 79.5 years old. So far they have about 60k infections in a population of roughly 60 million people for an infection rate of about 0.1 percent (one tenth of one percent). Current numbers seem to indicate case numbers are falling as if they have turned the corner. Let’s hope.

When plotted on a graph of life expectancy by age, in Italy the lines before and after Corona virus are superimposed, meaning the virus has not affected life expectancy by age in any measurable way.

Draw your own conclusions but those are facts

Not if the bodies are being burned in incinerators. There is satellite imaging which shows large amounts of Sulfur dioxide (SO2) through-out February which would be consistent w/ large scale cremation.

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