I want to assume a lease, I can easily pay off the whole lease one time (9 months) but BMWFS denied my application

Federal bank fraud.

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then lock it lol

Magnificent start here on LH, looking forward to meme thread in the future.


uh ok…lol…

Is it this? this isn’t even a good deal…like at all…


We get it, you’re very very rich, clearly.


Defrauding the bank genius.

It’s like subletting your rental, except a bank owns it, so you get slapped with a big penalty.

But not enough credit to take over an M5.

Dude nobody can help you, find someone with better credit and then figure out your next move.

no just seeing that

thats 13k, less than what im looking at lol and its stock

the m5 actually belongs to a friend and he wants out of the lease because something about having to commit to the last 6 months so i offered to take it over but i want it in my name not his

Unfortunately, the bank said no, so unless you reapply with a cosigner, you have no path forward here.


@farmerboy this is it.

This is the only answer. Get a co-signor or move on.

There is nothing else you can do, lamenting to us about how you can “pay cash” for it doesn’t help you.

Co-signor or bust.


This has to be a troll right?

So why are you so hell bent on taking over someone else’s bad lease? lol

Build your auto history man. Get a loan from your local CU. There’s a lot of really, really cool cars that you can buy, put $14k down on and don’t have to give back in 9 months. I highly doubt you’d lose even close to $14k just buying a CPO M5 and flipping it in 9 months, even considering $4-5k in taxes up front.

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Sounds like someone who is approaching their mileage allowance. Or maybe someone who is driving on what now appear to be slicks.

Sounds like someone who sold some of the OEM parts to make some payments


hey guys i’m 18 and trying to takeover a lease on a rolls royce wraith. payment is $3900/month and has 5 months left on the least. i have no income or credit but have $20k in my checking. why have i been denied?


You have to send RRFS a selfie that clearly shows British teeth, otherwise they won’t rent you their car. It’s right in the application.




No I will not take that as an answer

Ah, the classic choosing beggar scenario.

I think it’s more of a “positivity by force” mentality. The belief that by exuding a max amount of positive confidence you can overcome any challenge and get to your goals.

I had this experience with a new leader in my office this past week. They asked me for a change in my behavior and I said I’d try my best to comply and they said “there is no try, only do!” I understand, it’s a mentality thing.

Obviously the idea being that a “try” attitude is what losers have and a “just do it and get it done” attitude is what winners have. I call it 80’s stock broker style.

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Shane MacGowan is cool, don’t make fun of him.

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