HOW TO GET A GOOD WRANGLER 4XE Deal; Buckle up for a LONG read! (Part 4)

We aren’t, a lot of other people are or will pay because they want it now

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$64.4k msrp ‘22 Sahara 5k miles sold for $57k to Allcars

Was getting offers between $47k-$56k guess they really wanted the vehicle



Looks like you are the first person to lease a 23 on the forum?

Can you please inform others waiting (not me) how was the $7500 rebate applied? Was this a CCAP lease?


@AutoCompanion just said leases are going though as expected for them so sounds like we’re good to go.

And last day for August numbers (thx @TheBigTuna) Will see if it’s worth signing today or tomorrow.

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I believe he said he financed , which means he would be entitled to the rebate on next years tax return .

@harrydogyo . I believe the numbers come out tomorrow , not today

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You forget that Hackers represent a small percentage of the market. a lot of people over the last 2+ years have been paying MSRP, MSRP plus, or just happy to lease with the $7,500 lease incentive as a discount.

FYI. Gupton is still holding apps until they get confirmation from CCAP that the 7500 will be applied. Great to see the data point from @AutoCompanion but please do share if you have any other dealer data points.


2022 Jeep Rubicon 4XE ($64K MSRP):

Carmax: $55K
Jeep Dealer 1: $59K (then they played games once I was in and offered me $54K)
Jeep Dealer 2: $57K
Jeep Dealer 3: $58.5K (sold it to them)
Jeep Dealer 4: $54K
Jeep Dealer 5: $60K 2 weeks ago and now they don’t want any
Jeep Dealer 6: We don’t want 4XEs as they aren’t popular in this part of GA
Jeep Dealer 7: $59.5K 2 weeks ago but were a bit far
Carvana and Driveawy: still pending quote l
We pay max: can’t offer until they see a Carfax which takes 30 plus days from leasing



How long after sale does it take for CCAP to tell the credit bureaus the account is closed and paid in full? My lease I sold 5/2022 is still showing as open. Normally I wouldn’t think anything of it, but my last lease that ended in 2020 is still showing as open/never late either, so I disputed both of them.

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Random Jeep chatter

If I submit a credit app today, does that mean I’m locked into current lease RV/MF, or can I submit today and if tomorrow they improve, use tomorrows numbers? I think I know the answer is the former, but figured I’d check.

I’m waiting to hear back from the @AutoCompanion team as their dealership is not willing to take the chance that Chrysler doesn’t give the rebate on the 23s so they are saying my only option is an ally lease or finance. I am hoping to get some sort of refund as neither one of those are good options for me.

Will keep the thread updated

And just to be clear this is their Midwest dealer. Their East dealer seemed to be putting deals through without issue.

Any other data points?

Confirmed a refund has been offered as an option. Can’t ask for much more than that. Appreciate the quick handling by @AutoCompanion !


Am I missing something where they are posting this?

This morning they posted that deals are going through

One additional lesson I learned is that additional features mean nothing. I had a $64K MSRP Rubi with 3 piece hard top and another one was a $68K MSRP Rubi with a sky one touch and Gobi color edition. Both cars got the same offers. ($57K-$60K). If I had known that before, I would have ordered a base model Rubi to flip. Anywho, flipping days are over. Not worth the hassle at all with the oversupply of jeeps. If you want to flip, flip it ASAP and get out. That’s my $0.02


I had 3 Jeep dealers that told me they weren’t interested in my 4XEs even though they had exactly 0 in their used car inventory. Just Bizarre. One dealer told me “these aren’t popular in this part of the country”. Autonation told me 4XEs are piling up and are hard to move so hence the plunge in the offer. If you are still trying to flip, good effing luck!


I think it’s been well established that most options did not work for flips… exceptions being cold weather or hard top in some areas. But also that if you get stuck with it to order features you can’t live without.

Best profits for a while were on stripper models but now at least in northeast you’d do better with one with cold weather and a hard top.

And yes the party is ending but it was a great run for many.


Crazy days guys… the party is more than over. While @AutoCompanion is refunding their broker fees, we have @AutoNinjas charging $1000 fee for base pre-order Rubis… :upside_down_face: