HOW TO GET A GOOD WRANGLER 4XE Deal; Buckle up for a LONG read! (Part 1)


I thought you said they offered you msrp. Are you calling some incentives a discount?

No I mean if I did what the start of this thread is with Daniel at gupton

I have already scrapped today’s trip to the local dealership out of my mind…

I’ve given this one to plenty of Jeep’s that ignored “the wave”.

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I test drove one at Larchmont. Very low pressure - gave me the keys and told me to go. Only downside was it only had like a gallon of gas in it.

Sold me on the car, I placed my order with Clutch the next day.


Thanks for feedback. How much is shipping to you from Clutch?

Hasn’t been produced yet but I’m guessing between $850-$1000. I might fly down and make a trip out of it though…

Larchmont is only a half hour drive from the GWB. You should give them a call and see if you can schedule a test drive if they still have it.

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Waving made sense back when Jeeps were uncommon, like when I was puttering around in my CJ7 30 years ago. Now, if I follow the jeep wave suggestion, I’d never have 2 hands on the wheel.


This. Two observations: 1) I catch myself waving, even in my Jetta, so I look foolish. 2) I never knew just how many friggen Jeeps there are on the road, now that I’m conditioned to seek them out.


Everyone with a wrangler waves to me. I feel obligated to return the wave. My inner monologue continuously wonders if I look stupid doing so.


You don’t wanna hear my inner monologue when I don’t get a wave back…


Damn thats like 58 jeeps so far, probably a new record, if we did a local meetup, people would think its a jeep dealership lot :joy:

I’m sorry, this thread is too damn long to read, best way to pick one up (order) in NJ? Clutch?

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Thank you, I emailed him.

So funny to see people comment on how to get the deal. It’s literally the first post rip


Sorry, I’m typically on top of shit, just got caught up in the reading part of the whole thing, so I guess I just missed the first post.
And I just did exactly what I make fun of people for, not reading, what a schmuck.

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Picked up today. Thank you for all the info in this thread.


I think they sent you mine.


Had to look twice, and mine is Billet. So shiny.

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Re Gecko-

Just heard from my Jeep contact (corporate not dealer) that Gecko can only be ordered for another month or so before it closes.

If anyone is wanting that color it’s best to get your order in now.

If anything changes I’ll revise.