I normally live in NYC but due to COVID will be out of the city for 3-6 months. I want a nice car to drive around and national/hertz/etc are charging $800/month for something basic and $1200+ for anything decent. I am considering one of the deals I’ve seen here for m4 or m5 around $700-900/month. I know with insurance/tags/fees it wont be cheaper than a monthly rental, but I’m fine with that. My concern is more around how easy it would be to find someone to take over the lease afterwards? On SAL, the M5s are all way more expensive then ive seen here, so price wise I think it’d be competitive there after I was done with it but not sure how long cars sit there before finding someone to takeover. My first time really looking into this, so please feel free to point out anything I’m missing! Thanks!
Have you looked in the private lease swaps?
I have looked, most seem like 12-24 months remaining
BMW requires 6 months left on lease to transfer, maybe.
Swap into an M3/M4 CS for the low, swap out when you need to
Its like anything else, if you get a “good” deal then it will be easy to find a taker once you want to swap out of it. Assuming a decent deal I would budget an extra 1-2 months to find a buyer and complete the process. Even if you find a buyer immediately after listing it can sometimes take 30 days or more to full facilitate the process, paperwork, etc.
Oh and at $700-$900 you are not in M5 territory, theres a reason why everything you’re seeing in SAL is more expensive, most everything around here is in the $1100+ range including tax. M4 should be easily doable for that though, just not M5.
How about an i8? Solid deal, 21 months left though.
@wiresonly - why do you say that vs a new one with some of the deals on the new ones?
@HersheySweet yea id do 6 months now if i could find one, but if i started a new lease or even took over one i’d be aiming to get out of it with >6 months left. Regarding the i8, need some storage space and probably a back seat (even if not huge, possible to have 3 people in it for short rides a few times)
@j_e_f_f - gotcha, very helpful, thanks. 1-2 months wouldnt be bad, i have a place in NJ i could store it even if went back to city in meantime. Yeah i guess <1k range was more the M4s
My $0.02: considering your timeline, you want to minimize out of pocket costs for the short term you’d like the vehicle for. You will probably face less upfront cost swapping into a vehicle rather than paying a broker/dealer
Have you checked on Turo lately? I’d imagine you may be able to negotiate a monthly rate, check out a few cool cars and walk away when it’s all said and done.
Good point, will factor in total cost not just monthly lease payment
checking on there too!
Can take my 740 @hokie2012
Thats a great deal, thats tempting especially with just 6 months left. I’m looking for something more sporty though, it’ll just be 2 of us most the time so no need for a 7 series.
Think of the land yacht!
Sixt.com had 5 series for $600/mo and that includes insurance. They were just running a 20% off sale. One of my clients was waiting for a tundra from me and got a Range Rover for 500 for the month
do you know what location? I looked in nyc and its a good bit more than that
I got an email the other day and just looked for the hell of it in Fort Lauderdale where I usually get a rental
I just checked Las Vegas the 4 i chose were not available.