HN308's FEB - FIRE SALE - Any BMW in Stock @14% off plus incentives - 3/4/5 series or X1/X2/X3/X5/X7 @ 14% off. One unit

My Review Page on LeaseHackr

Update: 07/12/2024

Below are some Loaner 2023/2024 BMW units that are all discounted around 20% or more. All units will be sold with base MF and DMV at actual.

All Active Loaners are listed in below posts. Once the car is sold the post will be updated accordingly.

  1. 3 series – HN308's FEB - FIRE SALE - Any BMW in Stock @14% off plus incentives - 3/4/5 series or X1/X2/X3/X5/X7 @ 14% off. One unit - #1423 by HN308

  2. 4 Series – HN308's FEB - FIRE SALE - Any BMW in Stock @14% off plus incentives - 3/4/5 series or X1/X2/X3/X5/X7 @ 14% off. One unit - #1424 by HN308

  3. 2 Series – HN308's FEB - FIRE SALE - Any BMW in Stock @14% off plus incentives - 3/4/5 series or X1/X2/X3/X5/X7 @ 14% off. One unit - #1425 by HN308

  4. i4 –

Reach out to me with the info below and your phone number over Private message via the forum.

  1. Do you have BMW loyalty & if not let me know your employer to check corp benefits.
  2. Miles and months of the lease you need.
  3. The zip code where the car will be registered.
  4. The exact model or trim you want and the approximate MSRP of the vehicle you are looking.



FYI, for anybody looking at these and doesn’t already know, just copy the link and you can look over the link text itself to extract the numbers, such as MSRP, selling price, etc, etc.

For example, here is the link info from the 530e:


The diesel 328d is now at 200/mth with 2377 DAS. No MSD can be done.

Without OL code add 22/mth so 222/mth with loyalty.

Without loyalty or OL code the payment is 266/mth with 2431 DAS.


The X1 is now dropped to 230/mth with 2322 DAS. Needs loyalty and OL code.

With just conquest 263/mth 2357 DAS.

Has to be closed tonight.

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That 530e is really tempting
Is there any extra end of day discount?

Just an app in before the end of day or signed and picked up by end of day?

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X1 is gone.

The app needs to be in and the DAS paid over credit card and insurance done on the car tonight. Pickup can be anytime during the week or on Sat.

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330xi is gone as well.

@HN308, I’m going to close since lease support is over on the 18s.

Is the 320xi still available

is the 530e available? PM me

Is the 328d still available?

@HN308 330xi still available? let’s talk via PM… thanks

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This vehicle is now pending with a LH member

Broker Fees: $499

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 BMW 530xi
MSRP: $ 62,9XX
Monthly Payment: $337/mth

Drive-Off Amount: $ $2800 (1st month, Bank fees of $925, DMV, taxes and dealer fees)

Months: 24
Annual Mileage: 10,000
MF: 0.00165
Residual: 66% less penalty for miles.
Available Incentives: $4500 (2500 lease cash + $2000 loyalty) if you have conquest which is 1K your monthly will increase to $380/mth along with MSD and DAS.
You can apply OL code generated from Meadowlands event only and $500 credit will be given for that. Grad discount can be applied as well which is worth 1K.
Region: NJ/NY/CT/PA
Leasehackr Score: 12.6 years

The monthly will drop to 316/mth with adding OL code to the above numbers.

If you are interested in getting any information about the vehicle or calculating the payments for the incentives that you can use, please PM me with your name, number terms of lease you want and whether your have loyalty/conquest and any other incentives you intend to use.


The lease support for 2018 3 series has not extended in our market so I cannot help with 2018 leasing anymore.

With that said, the special today is a 2019 530xi at 20% off MSRP before incentives as listed in the post above.

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Please don’t get confused with my previous 530e deal. That was a 2018 and can’t be leased any more.

This is a gas only 2019 530xi which is loaded.

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Just sent PM. Ready to move on 5 series

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Wouldn’t that be $370 ish? 1k less incentives from 337

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