As folks move to multimedia platforms to gather information, we thought that video explanations could help new shoppers better understand the basics of leasing. The series starts with a tutorial on the Calculator, which can be confusing but empowering once you learn how to use it! We walk through the basics of leasing and give a real-life example of how you can use the Calculator to negotiate a lease.
We worked hard and had fun making the video. We hope this will be a helpful resource for the community!
We have no ambitions to become professional YouTubers, but we’ve heard that with more “likes” and “subscribes”, we get to spread the joy of leasehacking to a larger audience (or make it known to hire a Broker or browse on the Marketplace if folks don’t enjoy the process).
Excellent video. Looking forward to the next in the series, especially on how to determine current MSRP discounts by region and how to determine residual value for a lender on a particular make and model…