EV Discussion Thread

Same here. Nextera Energy (FPL) keeps the rates pretty low compared to the other grids.

I installed my own outdoor level 2 ($599 plus $50 in materials) and it costs about $10 to go from 10% to 100% on the BMW I4.

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I’ll believe it when I see it. :slight_smile:

Isn’t their EV the absolute worst on the market today?

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They are going to copy Tesla, but use their own upcoming battery tech(including solid state). They see Tesla’s profit margins…why not copy the best?

I honestly could see Toyota being Tesla’s main rival a decade from now in US market.

It is by design. Appease the biased media and ESG investors with a joint venture half a*s EV product.

Basically try to lose as little as possible on EVs, while other legacy automakers lose billions.

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Can I ask a what would you do question?

I’ve been trying to search “Should you invest in EV now” or wait till later? Our car got totaled by someone else and basically moved up our timeline to get a next car. We live in Nor Cal with a pretty high gas price (even at Costco pumps).

I’ve been looking into the Hyundai IONIQ 5, really like the V2L feature as a backup incase we have wildfire outages here.

Im curious, would you invest in EV now (example leverage a 0.99 financing), or just get a cheap lease and wait till EV battery technology ranges are higher (such as the Toyota solid states).

While writing this, I guess i can’t really 'time" the market and need to get what’s best for our family. But curious if people feel in 2-3 years there will be substantial changes in EV tech and models?

Lease! Take a look at the prices on 5 year old Leafs for confirmation that a cheap lease is the way to go and let the manufacturer and captive own the risk. 2021 Nissan Leafs that stickered for 35-40k can be had for 14k with low miles. That’s what depreciation will look like on last generation tech in a few years. Never mind that the full 7500 credit is only an option on a lease.


What do you mean by invest? You can’t invest in depreciating assets.
That being said, I would never own an EV in CA ever again. im in norcal and nopes.

  1. Pay sales tax on the whole car
  2. Highly volatile resale prices
  3. Quickly changing technology rendering current cars outdated too fast

Most EVs do not have purchase credits so your 0.99 isn’t going to work to save money

Just get one of these from @Jeff_BeachCitiesAuto and you’d be fine, don’t buy… LEASE
Like everyone else said, EV=NOT an investment



As an EV fan… I would suggest leasing.

That’s what I’m doing until I see what comes out in the next 2-5 years.

Or maybe buy a 14k Leaf w low miles? Similar monthly for three years then walk away. No dispo fee, and Charlie the Junkman will tow it away for free.

Is that for a 2nd gen Leaf (2017+)?

I wouldn’t spend that much on the previous generation.

Personally I don’t see the point in waiting on an unknown timeline

Especially considering Toyota is far from a leader in BEVs or batteries. And the mainstream OEMs that spent untold years and billions have just released their latest generation within the last year or two. Quantum leaps rarely happen that quickly.

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Isn’t that an outlier though? Leafs have become substantially obsolete in a way that BEVs of today’s range won’t. 100-140 miles isn’t enough in the popular consciousness when 250-300 is more like the norm.

Older Model 3s are probably a better benchmark for depreciation and the TCO of leasing vs buying.

Some obsolescence is just unavoidable. Happens with ICEV too. That’s why both ICEV and BEV depreciate. But I wouldn’t generalize that leasing is always the way to go. Recommend case by case.

Fair point, yes Leafs are the outliers, but everything even Tesla has sunk hard this year. If tech advances as expected three years could drive dramatic depreciation Not saying leasing is always the way but today with EVs it’s hard to point to a situation where it’s not.

The incremental advances in ICEV have been steadily dropping while BEV increments are huge because it’s relatively nascent technology. So of course BEV depreciation is going to be much worse than what we have been used to these past decades.

Just want to say Thank you to everyone that has replied! This has been super helpful!!! :slight_smile:

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Lease for sure if you can do the miles. Hyundai just announced free Chargepoint chargers and help with installation costs for those who buy or lease their EVs.

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Sticker is not OTD price

I paid $23k OTD net of tax credits for a new 2018 Leaf SV

They’re selling for $14k now.

That’s less than $2k of depreciation per year, basically on par with a Camry

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