EV Discussion Thread

I don’t think I’ve seen one recently. But I would suspect it would be $100 ish cheaper than the EV version.

Look, I admit myself the charging is cheaper. The more you drive, the cheaper it will be. But once you take into considering the overall costs, the winner is not clear cut. In many cases, it may be EV, but it will also be gas in many.

For myself, I lease a Ioniq5. I drive 2000miles a month, and the gas cost for those miles would have killed me. In my case, an EV an absolutely cheaper for me, but it comes at the cost of headaches.

The calculator on the energy companies website showed that I would spend $33 more annually based on prior 12 months usage. However, they gave me $1,000 and it lowered my 12am-6am rate substantially so the ROI was absolutely immediate. The low KwH rate is the benefit of being in Kansas!

I don’t think there is a $209 Kona lease right now.

While the MSRP may be cheaper… lease-wise there isn’t enough incentives on ICE cars to make the payments scale.

Cheapest Hyundai I could find was $260/mo Venue and that had $2800 DAS for 36/10 vs $2000 DAS for the $309/mo Kona EV on a 24/12.

So others and myself have given real world costs and even looked for comparable ICE examples… still seems to lean towards EVs to me.

And I wouldn’t compare Tesla leases… theirs are not comparable to the non-Tesla EV leases.

I can confirm there definitely isn’t this month. Compact entry level gas sedans are going for very high $200s plus tax at best (Based on 2k driveoff and in Socal)

Omega’s Kona GAS is $299 all in. So $209 with $3k is doable.

Funny you mention Omega. That’s who I pulled the numbers for the Venue from.

Their similar lease for a mid range gas Kona SEL 24/12k $2000 DAS is $335/mo.

And while I was configuring that, one of their banners flashed a Niro EV in the low $200s.

When I have time I’ll configure a few leases from their website so we can do apples to orangutans. :slight_smile:

Do a sort by lease payment. It’s easier to spot the deals.

I chose Hyundai and sort by lease payment low to high and this is what shows up:

Now, these lease terms differ, the cheaper Ioniq 5 is a 24 vs the Kona on a 36 but all have a similar DAS of about $3k (1500 cash and 1500 fees/etc).

Who is going to get a gas Kona over an EV Ioniq 5 for $5 less per month?

And if you want to get closer in comparison, I opened it up to all brands and the Kia Niro shows up (similar size to Kona) and the 36mo (so same terms) is almost the same payment:

DAS is for idiots. Look at effective monthly cost

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Someone who doesn’t own a hyundai now.

It’s in EXACTLY the same line…jeez man.

I’m assuming you are referring to Loyalty.

There is still non-loyalty Kona/Niros EV leases that are close enough to the gas Kona lease to save you money with an EV.

Sure. But… remember we are comparing a $2k DAS for that $309 Kona EV deal from Jeff.

So doing that we get this:

And it’s a 36… so effective monthly is cheaper but you have to lease it for another year.

So $65 difference with DAS, more if we do zero down but still not the ~$100 difference in fuel costs.

And again, let’s use Omega for both comparisons, the Kia Niro EV, without loyalty and zero down comes up to $351 (same 36/10 term)

So $51 more for a comparable Niro EV to the gas Kona… I’m choosing the Niro (also slightly larger interior).

There is a $50k M3P in my local inventory. IMHO, that’s pretty cheap for something that will hurt a lot of egos. You can say what you want about how much nicer an AMG C63 sounds, but when the lane ends, and you have to pull your C63 behind the M3P, it’s going to hurt your ego, no matter what you tell yourself.

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Make sure you adjust the sales tax bar on the calculator, if you leave it at the default 0% tax rate it makes the payment way lower

Yes, but then you have to live with a model 3.


I just set it to 0 for the base payment because sales tax can vary quite a bit in Cali.

I’m shocked by those of you with over 10% sales tax.

Doing so unfairly biases the cost in favor of the ev since youre not including all the additional upfront taxes on ev credits.

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the calculator is inaccurate when you do no sales tax

you could put 8.75% if you want to do average Socal tax


Gah… forgot about the taxed incentives part (also thanks to @Jeff_BeachCitiesAuto for bringing this up).

Not sure if their calc is right but Kia Niro EV is $399/mo (no loyalty):

And gas Kona is $347/mo:

Something might be wrong with the calc because it’s still only about $52 difference.