Eff it let's break the calculator: 2020 Chevy Bolt LT 36/10k One pay, Effectively 624 dollars total

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Congrats on the Bolt! That’s crazy deal!

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Sweet deal! All the NY/NJ dealers I’ve been working with have looked me straight in the eye asking for $500/month AFTER negotiating…essentially, not even giving me the rebates from chevy…:rofl:

Still searching as my i3 hack is ending next month


I probably could have gotten a deal like this in early January. SoCal dealers stopped offering a significant dealer discount once the deals went viral.

Pushed me to order a Tesla.

So basically you couldn’t have gotten a deal like this so you ordered a Tesla instead.


I have $1k GM Card + $1k GM Card Bonus + $2k CA Rebate + $1k SCE Rebate = $5k off (only $1 less than Op). I also qualified for the Bolt/Volt owner rebate back when they had it and the $8,500 lease rebate + $2,500 dealer cash. Also would have saved $395 turn in fee and wear and tear by getting another GM Financial lease.

I wasn’t willing to drive a Bolt unless it was dirt cheap.

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Also use your brother’s name to qualify for the additional low income $2,500.
Then may as well add the $200 grandma gave you for Christmas, and the $20 you found on the sidewalk…


It was a pretty similar situation at first. Most places were quoting me 10 to 12 grand not including the Buypower earnings, I kept those in my pocket until the very end. My feeling is that many of them didn’t know how to do a one pay, and/or didn’t feel like being transparent. I was getting desperate and reached out via email to the president of a rather large auto dealer network in the area, leveraging a common connection with his former employer in a different industry. He was incredibly friendly and got me in touch with his General Manager who had a 2019 LT left over. I was sure that this was gonna be the car and I was going to get the deal of a lifetime. The GM called me back after a great chat a few hours later with quite possibly the worst offer I received, barely 3% off sticker. I was in shock! That led to me circling back to some previous contacts and hammering this out.

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This is insane! Free or not, it is still an incredible deal and deserves congratulations. Those rebates are extremely admirable from northern states though!

Awesome deal. I hope people see your buypower college, and volt rebate before the flood of emails to dealers.

Fantastic deal, understand why you did it. However, it’s an accomplishment that would be short lived for me, like when I managed to complete Punch Out without losing a bout. Woo hoo, and then I realized it was meaningless.

Simply because it’s a Bolt and looks like a 12k econocar, even worse in that blue. I have no idea how they drive and hopefully you enjoy it, especially for the price of 3 or 4 Starbucks a month.

I think the analogy you’re really going for is when Stan and Kyle scored 1 Million Points in Guitar Hero on South Park, but this is somewhat of a PG-13ish rated site so I won’t delve deeper than that :joy: The car is actually pretty fun to drive so far. It’s funny that you mention the color, because one of the jokes I’ve been making at home is that I won’t have any problems identifying it in a parking lot. This morning I go to the train station to charge it for the first time and get a baseline of what to expect if I leave it there all day. I pull in headfirst and get out to get the charger from the hatch. Lo and behold, my dreams of being interesting and unique were crushed:


This is simply not true. My last two leases I’ve put vanity plates on without that.

Was considering trading my 6 series for a deal like this (I have nj, 2k buypower, college, and suppliers). Too much work for mediocre car :(. Haven’t gotten better than 8% on the limited inventory, which would translate to 2k or so one pay.

If dealer transfers them from your old car to the new. I did this last year too - from financed Subaru to leased Volvo. But if you put regular plates first and then want to replace them with vanity then you need power of attorney for DMV to swap them.

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Nj rebate - does it need to be NJ dealer or just registered in NJ?

Based on the way everything about the program has been conveyed so far, there are a few requirements. 1) NJ resident 2) Under 55k MSRP 3) Registered in NJ. The law is silent on where it is actually purchased or leased. I got my best price in NJ anyway, but that was always my hope so I could protect myself from any surprises that popped up later down the road.

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Pissed about that 55k requirement. I was eyeing the model 3 performance, but it’s just over 55k :rage:

Nice job man, but who guaranteed you’d be getting that $5,000 rebate check from the State of NJ?

Positive that’s coming your way?

Straight from Governor Phil Murphy’s mouth, which depending on how you feel might not be worth much, but in this particular instance it would be actionable if they didn’t follow through on it, so I’m pretty confident at this point. The rebate is $25.00 per mile of electric range, up to 200 miles. And there is no differentiation in how it is awarded on a purchase or lease.
