Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures (THE CORONAVIRUS LANDFILL THREAD)

I never said anything about ventilators. However, it is better to be over prepared than under prepared.

The federal government is responsible for setting the tone, providing guidance and federal resources in helping to combate this pandemic. There were reports early on when this all started that Governors felt they were on their own when it came to supplies. About a month ago, the owner of the Patriots had to purchase 1 Million N95 masks for first responders: I could go on.

I never said things were rosy here. It is easy to blame the Governor without knowing all the facts. Btw, some of these deaths are being investigated: Governor launches investigation into Holyoke veterans home where 15 residents have died – Boston 25 News.

Unless you have avoided watching the news, Governors and other local authorities across the country had complained they were bidding against the federal government when it came to supplies. In most cases, suppliers cancelled their orders or were told not to send any supplies to certain states.

Please see the link to the story about owner of the Pats having to purchase and donate masks to first responders. There are many stories out there about companies and private individuals having to do the same.

You praised your MA governor. You did have ventilators in initial post that is why I pointed that out. And states have not done anything as is proven in NY where cuomo stated “it is not his job to get nursing homes PPE”. And did you follow with Pat owner. From what I saw it seemed most of that PPE was faulty.

If the nurse, doctor, and grocery worker can show up and work, so can Congress. They just spend 3 trillion of our money but cant bother to get to work? I guess Nancy Antoinette thinks we all have 24000 dollar fridges stocked with gourmet ice cream.

Does anyone see any mention of ventilators in my post?

I did. He has done a good job getting resources and setting up test sites across the state. Don’t get me wrong, there is still a lot of work to be done on his part.

We can agree on that.

That is smart. Thanks for sharing.

I think most (all?) non-2020 VWs currently under lease would be covered by the expanded warranty after Dieselgate. They seem to have more 39 / 42 / 48 month leases than other brands, but most won’t have any warranty exposure unless they are insanely over miles.

Man three years ago was the best time to overpay for a Golf R lease if you could swing 6 more months at 20% off.

Curious is anyone (@RVguy?) modeled the difference for the captive with the original RV, with 6 more months (discounted) cash flow? Keeping in mind the uncertain secondhand market outlook.

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Here’s my unpopular take on this issue as a healthcare provider. I don’t want grand gestures like this. I don’t want to be called a hero. I want the country to understand that this s*** is real, over 60k people have now died from it, and it’s disproportionately affecting our vulnerable populations and frontline workers (both inside and outside of healthcare). We are doing our part as healthcare providers. We need people to do their part and help us stop the spread of this virus. Most of all, I want that money that’s going to useless gestures like this showing how great America is (sorry, it’s not right now unless great= most cases of COVID19 in the world thanks to incompetence in leadership) to instead buy me some damn N95 masks and gowns and supply us with the tools we need to safely manage our patients without putting us at unnecessary risk of dying.


Thank you for your service and stay safe.

What hospital do you work at? Are you in NY? I can see what I can do for you. You guys working without masks you telling me? That is messed up.

Seriously why close the other thread? I did not see any attacks and vulgarities? It was in off ramp. People upset for some reason. If you want to stay locked down you free to do so but let everyone else go about their life. I thought quite a few statistics were being shown.

Power trip, i can tell that much.

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I don’t report to you.


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I agree, I want my dad to get his full salary at Med college, I want my doctor neighbors, my nurse neighbors and family, to be able to come home without infecting their kids, and I want people to stay inside unless necessary!

@NY13 they’re rationing EVERYWHERE, it’s god damn insane. It’s going overboard, there was hoarding, and at the worse, proof of doctors resorting to sourcing their own PPE, like Dr Mike that celebrity doctor in NY/NJ. If you want to donate, thank you, any dollar counts, my dad’s employer Milton Hershey has a massive endowment from a god damn chocolate company, and they can’t keep the lights on or pay salary for researchers, support staff, or the college of medicine, things are weird right now.

Also, thank you, health industry workers don’t hear it enough.

I will totally admit that I’ve used adult language a few times.

But lately it’s getting a little more common than I believe is ideal.

I love me some colorful language and probably use more eff words than the next five dudes combined IRL. However, it is a general rule to keep obscenities to a minimum here.

Please keep this in mind. Myself included. Thanks!



Agreed, why close it? Why not moderate like your supposed to? If you see inappropriate comments, vulgar language, then landfill those, but keep the thread open.

As mentioned, there were a few TH that were active in that thread, and some took part in the lively discussions, but then you say too much and close it, when it should have just been moderated and cleaned up.

I also don’t report to you. If you guys are so busy not being locked down, why does it matter?


I live NJ and work in NYC, and I AM LOCKED DOWN, much to my dismay.

Because I took the garbage to landfill after I saw it (after the thread was already closed).

And if you have personal attacks, feel free to PM the person you disagree with. It’s always off-topic.

By all means, feel free to petition to have it reopened again. It lasted nearly 2 weeks before it turned into name calling and spitting.


Some people’s bad behavior doesn’t mean the thread didn’t have merit. I did petition last time to Michael to reopen, and he did, since he felt the thread/topic was unique and different from the menagerie of the Mega thread and has current relevance to much of our community.

Sometimes when one jagoff shows up to practice drunk, everyone has to do push ups.


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I’m in Florida, so we were expected to peak this week but from our data it appeared as though last week may have been the peak. Again, with all the beaches reopening now I presume a resurgence of cases will occur, making the need to continue a stay at home order important, now well into the summer. These protests make me sad because these people who desperately want to get back to work are the ones who will ultimately get sick, and may be the reason staying at home gets prolonged :frowning:

As for the PPE situation, we technically are “okay,” but 2 months ago if you told me that having adequate PPE means one N95 per healthcare worker that gets reused patient after patient, day after day is adequate, I wouldn’t have believed you. We get a paper bag to store our masks in for the week. Nurses and RTs and physicians were asked to wear homemade cloth masks to ensure there were enough procedure masks for everyone. This just isn’t normal. It’s not safe. And to say we have adequate supplies isn’t really true, even in the areas were we aren’t hit like NYC.

Thank you all for listening.

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Well you guys are heroic. I mean no PPE and have some of the lowest mortality rate in the country. My applause to you. Please teach NY how to do it right because something is out of whack here.