Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures (THE CORONAVIRUS LANDFILL THREAD)

Some people’s bad behavior doesn’t mean the thread didn’t have merit. I did petition last time to Michael to reopen, and he did, since he felt the thread/topic was unique and different from the menagerie of the Mega thread and has current relevance to much of our community.

Sometimes when one jagoff shows up to practice drunk, everyone has to do push ups.


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I’m in Florida, so we were expected to peak this week but from our data it appeared as though last week may have been the peak. Again, with all the beaches reopening now I presume a resurgence of cases will occur, making the need to continue a stay at home order important, now well into the summer. These protests make me sad because these people who desperately want to get back to work are the ones who will ultimately get sick, and may be the reason staying at home gets prolonged :frowning:

As for the PPE situation, we technically are “okay,” but 2 months ago if you told me that having adequate PPE means one N95 per healthcare worker that gets reused patient after patient, day after day is adequate, I wouldn’t have believed you. We get a paper bag to store our masks in for the week. Nurses and RTs and physicians were asked to wear homemade cloth masks to ensure there were enough procedure masks for everyone. This just isn’t normal. It’s not safe. And to say we have adequate supplies isn’t really true, even in the areas were we aren’t hit like NYC.

Thank you all for listening.

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Well you guys are heroic. I mean no PPE and have some of the lowest mortality rate in the country. My applause to you. Please teach NY how to do it right because something is out of whack here.

Well we got one lead jaggoff here that does not report to anyone.

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And with that, the thread is closed. The word has but one g, by the way…


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