Dealers getting upset

Thanks for the input Boston. I do sympathize with the process. If you get to the lease or selling price thru different means, but arrive at the same goal, then you have achieved success.

However, and this is a tangent which many have commented on at this site, try to negotiate Residual Value, knowing that at lease end you could sell to either Vroom or Carvanna. Residual Value can be negotiated, correct? The leasing company sets the RV rate, but seems to be variable.

I believe that issue has to be addressed as a bargaining chip, so the lessee can have the advantage at lease end to either walk away or try to make another deal that could benefit the buyer.

You can’t negotiate residual value

Some brands utilize multiple banks and the banks have different RVs

But you cannot negotiate the RV the banks set

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Residual is set by the lessor (leading company). It is different between leasing companies, the model of the car, options, if the car has miles on it, and from month to month. So yes it does vary, but it’s not negotiable. For example, US bank has a higher residual than Toyota. You can find a dealer that will use US bank, or pick a demo car over new, but that will be the only choices you can make to change the residual. If you pick US bank with a higher residual, your payments would be lower. BUT at the end of the lease, your Tundra would be above residual by the same amount with Toyota in theory (and sell it to a third party) if values stayed high.

Back to square 1. Thanks for the replies Boston & DRose.
So, bottom line, shop the payment and forget MF & RV, etc?
Return car and walkaway. The pure essence of leasing!

No, don’t do that at all.

You need to know those numbers so you know the deal.

Just understand that there is a give and take. If the dealer wants to mark up the mf, go for a larger discount, etc.


Some dealers got so mad at me for asking if they are participating in the Audi Costco ten percent discount. Most, I found, will not participate or offer me the ten percent.

Haha what @mllcb42

Know the recipe to make the cake

But if there is a substitute the dealer makes in the recipe and you get the same delicious cake, life is good.


Thanks Mr. Boston.

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I know its bad but I always have something to say

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Did someone say bake :eyes:

I leased from them

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So here is a question:

Would you as a dealer or broker rather:

I say I want 500 payment with minimum drive offs (if the payment is low but possible)


Me say I was 50,000 selling price and base mf buy rate.

Problem is a lot of sales people don’t want to take either of these approaches. They think you are crazy because they don’t understand numbers might actually work.

Look informed and control the deal, ask for a detailed quote or send them a detailed quote saying this is what you’ll do today.


That’s the hardest bitchslap I’ve seen in a while!


This is why LH is good.

As a sales person, I would rather have someone give me a payment than a selling price if you are leasing. It gives me room to play with some numbers, such as making no front end but making up for it in the back. Also, most people don’t understand leasing and can’t understand how only taking $1000 off doesn’t suddenly drop the payment by $100/mo.

So not only did this turn into a spoonfeeding thread but even after the spoonfeeding this is what someone thought was the takeaway


I can see how it could get there though.

The nuance that is being missed is that there is a significant difference between payment shopping, where the payment is being treated as the input into the deal, and determining the details of the detail, then using the payment as an output of the deal to be the common language with the dealer.


Sorry can’t hear you … 1% is good, right?


It’s the best