Dealers getting upset

Yes I have hacked enough deals to know. I was asking because I was curious how sales people think and what, outside of politeness and directness, gets them to be more engaged.

And this is the point of this forum.

Generally know what are the best numbers for the car you want. Find the monthly payment btwn the unicorn LH deal and the most your willing to pay. Then shop around until you find the match.

Who cares what/how they think, they’re just a middle man between you and the SM. Don’t be dick to them, but don’t over think the whole process, it’s not rocket science. The more lines you cast, the more likely you are to find the deal.


Tough love. We just want people to understand enough to avoid getting ripped off.

Totally agree. Said another way: if you want to payment shop, you need to know all the inputs and do the math to find the payment floor, how low can they go?

Totally agree. If you do all the math and (for instance) 36m/12k $0 DAS is $300/mo, you know $200/mo probably isn’t realistic, $500/mo is a bad deal. If their best and final is $315/mo it’s probably a good deal — and whether they up the discounts and raise the MF or vice-versa, how the sausage is made doesn’t matter.


I just had an OR dealership quote me MSRP and told me they are unable to discount beyond costco 10%. I was like wow its a 180d+ car and still no discount, business must be booming.

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Wait a minute. I shopped a dealer today. I proposed a buy price, thinking I could use it for the starting price on a lease. They shoved a piece of paper at me with nothing on it except payments for 60 months. Nowhere on the sheet was the vehicle’s MSRP, no discount price was placed on the buy sheet. In fact, the dealer refused to put onto paper what the selling price would be. Next stop, I’m waiting for a vaccine for Covid-19

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I had a customer send me a lease quote with a 30% discount on an Accord Hybrid with the dealership also over-paying for the value of their trade-in by $4,000. Something tells me there is foul play at hand.

Life goes on.


Well your first mistake was to go to the dealership hoping to make a deal there.


Could not agree more!

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And he complained about the stereo


Then got a Lincoln and got hosed on the trade


Then he bought a hard drive to copy his music collection onto in order to take it off the phone he already has to carry around anyway, and would be better served connecting to the car for CarPlay.


I can’t tell you how many times I call places and am like “Hey I’m shopping around, I just need one piece of information from you, your selling price before incentives”. Get like 4 calls trying to get more details and they always want you to come in and then eventually give me crap like “Ok so we think we could get you to $300 a month if you have conquest”…that is not what I asked for.

Like how hard is it just to say what you will sell the damn car for. Dealerships are an absolute fraud in America. They are not about making honest money, they are about manipulating people based on fear, finances, and shady advertising practices.


Just tell them what you want to pay and they can say yes and you go get it or they say anything other than yes and you don’t.


If you shopping in a major area like NYC it’s basically take it or leave because dealer knows there’s a sucker walking in through the door every day that they can finess. My last three leases I got out of state as those places were more open to deals and transparent.

You are talking a language they don’t understand

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This is a hugely underrated “value” of Tesla; people are just tired of the dealership bs.

I know many, many people who went Tesla mostly because they didn’t want to have to play the “did I get a deal or did I get hosed” game.

I put in an online request at a dealer recently and I got a form email from the sales manager telling me “I believe a simple phone call can eliminate a lot of the back and forth of email blah blah blah” so I decided to play along… and got his voice-mail. Then I get a call back from one of the low level guys instead who has no idea what he’s talking about, insisting that the one pay money factor is higher than the standard one…

People say this about tesla, like it’s a positive. One can go into any dealer in america and pay full price on just about every car without effort if they want to.


To the extent that the consumer feels “I paid the same price as everyone else for this product” and/or “I did not get ripped off vs what everyone else paid” it is a positive.

One of the biggest dissatisfactions of the legacy dealership model is the lack of any satisfaction regarding pricing. Most consumers don’t know if they got a good deal, or even a fair deal.