BMW of Macon -Dealer switched the papers and forged signature


Wow! you are downplaying this. Gas tank was just an example. But the real problem is they faked my signature and changed stuff after I signed it.
$1500 cash from them will definitely fix a part of the issue but my residual also went up by $500.


Service is Service. I get plenty of LH deals and I still get a full tank. Just because the dealer dropped his pants doesn’t mean they should skip on the service.


I’m not disagreeing with that. I’m just stating why he probably didn’t get a full tank of gas.

I’m not downplaying anything. I’m simply stating what happened. And a solution for that particular problem.


That’s definitely shady as hell! I would definitely make a backup of those pictures somewhere (Google drive etc.) And lawyer up.

Keep us updated on the dealer and broker. I do not believe the broker is at fault here and I don’t think they would want to ruin their business on LH over something stupid as such. I do think you should reveal the dealership so people are aware who it was with and maybe even recheck their contracts.


Just for clarity, did the original contract you physically signed have 12k miles per year or 10k?

The only page that have the miles information does not have room for signature. I rechecked it and it said 12k for the full term.

The paper they sent me back says 10,000 then they crosses it out and wrote 30,000 and added my initial. So, sounds like this was all planned.

OP, I would not go straight for an attorney - they cost money. You have reached out to the broker, they can help you make it right or they can ignore you. Hopefully they do the first (I suspect they would as they made the connect). If not, torch them and move on from them.

If they do not help, I would reach out to the GM directly either through a phone call or though an email. When you do get through to him make sure you use the words/terms fraud and “bad faith.” He should make it right either by fixing your contract or otherwise compensating you. You have them by the balls. If the F&I manager (or whomever) made those changes to your contract, they were probably banking on that fact that most people never read or compare their contract after signing it ever again. They committed an illegal act and I would think the GM would just want that to go away.

If this does not work - then get an attorney.

What the dealer wants to spend has nothing to do with it. If they didn’t put gas in it for the transportation/fire reasons, that is fine but they should communicate that to the buyer. Doing it just because they already felt they lost enough money is not a good reason and probably a basis for the buyer to mention it on the survey and them not getting good CSI.

Well, reasons or not, it is fraud. Literal fraud. I don’t get any sense that you think it was right or wrong but I would hope you as a dealer would think it was wrong. They are not allowed to take liberties. And even if this was the reason they did it. They are dumb because you can always punch the car and get the contract re-written. It would still count for any sort of incentive or unts they were chasing.

This is a big deal. The fact that you are making it seem like it is not a big deal is pretty crazy for a dealer on tis site. It may be an easy fix and the F&I manager may have taken “liberties” but if they did it is absolute BS and the OP should be outraged. You should not give advice on matters like these.

If you have pictures of the paperwork you signed and it says 12K miles then that is all you need. I would lean on that and not what the broker or anyone else said. Likely if it came to it, the only thing that will matter is what YOU signed.

He really is. Pretty freaking dumb IFYAM. You are right to be concerned and seek remedy.


Thanks you buddy!
Broker just responded and promised to make it right. So, I will wait for him to fix it if this does not work then I will call the GM. I will update you guys with progress tomorrow.


Faking signatures on contract? If that’s true I think that dealership should go out of business.


Playing devils advocate here, but where was it stated that the buyer would get gas? I know a handful of BMW dealers that don’t gas cars before in person delivery. Obviously if OP wants to ding them on CSI they can, but I doubt they are getting a survey at this point. But I don’t think a car without gas (not that I wouldn’t gas a car before delivery) is a red flag for anything malicious on the level of forging signatures.

I’m glad you understood my point. I am simply stating what happened behind the scenes that led to this situation. I tend to be reserved in my judgements, especially on internet posts but if you want a strong statement, obviously it is fraud and OP should be concerned.

I can give advice on any matters that I choose to. I was offering a solution to one particular problem.


That is a bigger deal than I thought it to be. I read your post initially as more of an clerical error where someone fat fingered 10k instead of 12k.

Crossing out what was already on a contract and then falsely signing is highly illegal and should not be tolerated. I would seriously consider reaching out to the GM/owner. They could be aware of this, but if they are not, it is something they would very much like to know.

As someone who ships the majority of their business, that is completely normal. If shipping by air, they don’t allow ya know large amounts of flammable gasoline, same with trucks (usually cars are shipped empty or on vapors/low fuel).

The rest of the stuff is beyond LH advice grade and can only be resolved with the parties pertinent to this conversation. From a customer service perspective should you have been alerted car would be shipped empty, probably, but that’s just my opinion.


They switched the entire paper with the numbers. The “Retail Lease Agreement” is just a totally different copy with different numbers and someone else signed it(fake signatures)

Gas is not really the topic of conversation or an issue. I was just surprised that the paperwork was switched and signature was faked. Hence, I was forced to bring up every little thing.


You are right, maybe it doesn’t say anywhere. I thought it was a question on the survey. I actually suspect, like you, that it is a carrier thing but they still should have been clear. Others have also chimed in with personal experience. If I personally understood that to be the case and it were my car, I would give the dealer a break.

Haha. True.


This is true. I was too harsh. I really laid on the righteous indignation pretty heavily. Lol. You’re alright.


No I’m not saying it is at all, the legal contract, faked signatures, etc is much more important. I’m just saying the empty tank is shipping industry SOP.


Now I understand better with your previous clarification. Not sure what the laws are in FL (or where that dealer is), but in my state I know the dealer would suffer a serious fine, possible dealer license revoked if they are a repeat offender, and the FI manager could face jail. Now I’m not going to condemn anyone guilty over the internet, but please reach out directly to the owner/GM.


By the way, did you take pictures of the contract you did sign? Again above forum grade even by industry people, you’re going to need to sort this out with the proper parties and not speculation online.


Actually I have seen it on some window stickers from the manufacturer listing a full tank of gas as a feature. Don’t know if BMW lists it

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Happens a lot more than you’d probably expect.