Dealer decals and plate frames

Pockets better be deep :smile:


haha haven’t gotten a ticket yet

Currently 87°, 98° after the hear index, at 10am in Plantation. Gross. Back to NY tomorrow, as I walk past cars with two AutoNation brackets, Vista BMW, and Palmetto VW. Many of my neighbors make poor choices, haha.

Oh its a blessing trust me !
I was in Texas last month and even at 90 degrees, that sun grills you like your lying on a BBQ grill
2 things I have learnt. Never visit Texas in Summer and NEVER visit Chicago in winter :sweat_smile:

I lived in Texas for a few years for college. It was crazy hot there. I luckily only had to be there for one summer, because I didn’t have enough credits in residence to graduate, due to AP classes and SAT II tests. I was not amused that summer and left as quickly as possible.

in NY, can you request a new car to not have holes drill into front bumper?

We used to change it to Sick Car. :laughing:


I don’t like to come off as that “guy”, I’ve already pissed off the dealer by haggling them to death and getting a hackr deal. I leave their junk on until I put the plates on, then the hair dryer comes out, decals off and frames in the trash.


Question apart from dealer decals. Any issues on debadging car when returning it ? Anyone here has any experience?

One of our cars came back from the body shop with a front license plate bracket where none had been in the 5+ years we owned the car.

The body shop apologized in advance and said that it was a requirement of the insurance company, who wouldn’t consider the repair completed without the bracket installed.

The Prelude is rocking a U of Pitt plate frame :sunglasses:

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You sound exactly like my Pop… that’s always been his stance lol.

Every new car I’ve bought I’ve required it be listed on the sales agreement that there is to be no advertising or front plate holes installed. In the case of a car that is clean enough to ascertain that there is no damage or on one that I’ve ordered, I also make sure they do not wash the car prior to delivery. I don’t feel like adding extra hours of paint correction to an expensive new car because it was washed improperly, and I’ve never seen a dealership that knows how to properly wash a car.

I’ve never cared enough about the plate frame to make a fuss, free advertising or not. Easy enough to change it out later or when it disintegrates. Stickers or decals are different since those are usually more of a PITA to remove.

Could have also done CARSICK if it wasn’t for that pesky E.

I require dealer stickers to be removed from vehicle before I take delivery. I’ll take the frames off when I get home.

I can’t stand dealers that put front plate brackets on cars.

I live in NC we don’t need front plates.

I’ve straight up walked away from deals because they did it and didn’t follow my instructions.

I mean I’ll drive around with the sticker if they pay me $100/month for advertising fees.

I’ve never had a dealer change my frame, and I feel bad for the dealer that does it to me. I will take petty to a whole new level.

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Dealer stuff comes off during delivery unless they pay an advertising fee. A few years back, the owner of a popular Subaru forum ordered a new CTS-V and stated MULTIPLE TIMES that the dealership was NOT to install a front plate bracket. He waited weeks for the car to be made/delivered, went to pick it up and inspect it and it had no front plate bracket. Everything appeared good. In the time it took to finalize paperwork, some dealership monkey installed a front plate bracket. I believe the outcome was the dealership ended up ordering him another car and gave him a good chunk off as a consolation. Livid would be an understatement. Remember, folks. They work at dealerships for a reason.

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I had the same damn thing happen to a custom ordered Mustang GT, and we don’t have front plates in NC!

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There’s enough indifferent and lazy people out there that I despise dealer plate frames. Dealer sticker / deals are even worse except in some very extreme cases. The one that I liked were the BMW of Dallas metal flags that they provided that you could add to the trunk. They didn’t say anything about the dealership on them, but when it is stuck on a BMW, you knew it was from BMW of Dallas.

For all of my cars, the moment I get the real plates in, the dealer frames get tossed.

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Leased a Jeep Grand Cherokee back in the 90s in PA (no front plates required). Every friggin car on that lot had a front bracket and dealer plate. I said I wanted the holes filled in. Guy knew I was an Eagles fan and goes, “Aww, don’t you want an Eagles plate?”. Noooo, my back license frame will be fine, thank you. They paid for me to get the holes filled in at a body shop. Obviously, decals are unacceptable to me too.

Saw a 3 Series last week here in FL with not only a Nissan dealer’s license plate frame but their decal too! That person doesn’t deserve to be driving a BMW!!!