Dealer canceled my order, broker ghosted me and is not refunding fee

One shouldn’t have to resort to making a callout thread to get an appropriate response to a failed transaction.

Perhaps there needs to be a strike system for vendors on the site for occurrences as such that results in permanent removal for continued infractions that negatively influence consumer confidence in services being promoted.


What’s a refund process? We’re not some mega corporation that holds millions in refunds for a set amount of time to collect interest on others money. The process is clicking one button on an app…if multiple people are complaining about not getting a refund, or delayed refunds, then there’s some insolvency issues or just disregard for paying clients time/money. Either way it makes us all look bad and needs to be resolved.

I tell new clients that are skeptical of my deals that just the fact that I’m on leasehackr shows the legitimacy of my deals. We hold people to higher standards here. If I had reviews like some brokers have on Yelp and Amazon I certainly wouldn’t be in business on this website. That’s why those sketchy poorly reviewed brokers don’t do business here. They wouldn’t be able to compete with the top notch service/low prices you get on leasehackr anyway.


I agree. Refunds are just one step process. Ghosting someone is inappropriate and fraudulent and would make the site look sketch to new comers and hurt the overall trust ability of the consumers.

Ones action shouldn’t harm the other brokers that are responsive and doing their jobs ethically.

Bans of certain durations should exist as a form of dealing with rogue behavior.


How many times do you think threads like these can pop-up against the same individual until you take any “punitive actions”? This type of reasoning may have been fine during the first thread, and even then it was kind of screwy that the broker in question continued to post on the site while ignoring the customer and the thread, but this is now a recurring pattern.

The broker in question is posting pretty regularly in different threads, so excuses like “taking care of a family member” don’t seem to hold water. They are holding people’s money until the very last, and seem to only initiate a return process when things get completely out of hand. The whole “initiate return process” is also ridiculous considering that they take payment via venmo to begin with.

While I personally agree with other borkers posting that they shouldn’t be measured by the same stick as this individual, it is very hard not to do so as the legitimacy of the entire LH is called into question and by extension every broker on here.


This whole thing looks familiar. Is this website standing behind this broker in question? I don’t see her account banned? What happens to the next customer she takes advantage of?


Issue came up with a car I was going for, and I got a refund from another broker essentially immediately, while I was still at the dealer. I don’t know what a ‘refund process’ is, it’s literally pushing a button on Venmo, Zelle etc.


I am no sure why LH has put up with this and has given the benefit of doubt to the broker. It’s a bad look and the last thing you want is newcomers questioning the validity of what happens here.

You say give the broker 1 - 2 days to respond. The broker has had 2 months to respond to OP as the last time they communicated was May 21. How many more threads need to be made about this particular broker for action to be taken?

Do you really want a broker on LH that ghosts customers on refunds until a thread is made?

At the end of the day the onus falls on those that run LH to protect the community that has been built by members, whether they be brokers, LHers, or customers.


there’s also another party involved in the a company, a “he” if you will :thinking:


Sorry to disagree but an example should be made. A slap on the wrist and continue to scam people every here and there should not be an acceptable behavior.

Moderators or site owners need to set an example. Most newcomers, we have to trust a broker we never met or anything by sending a 500 or so payment over Venmo PayPal zelle etc. we already start working from a non official contract where we pay 500 about to trade for a dealer number. Last thing we need is to be skeptical of sending out payments to brokers.

This one individual shouldn’t make the site look bad. It’s weird that site owners are giving benefit of doubt to a repeat offender.


And that matters because? If anything the fact that there are 2 people, renders any excuse of why the broken never got back to the customer even more implausible.

The homework here so far seems that LH has no control of their own site. I fully understand that LH never guaranteed any control over the brokers, and this was always a community “policed” site, but the stance of “give them a chance” and generally taking zero action on a repeat offender is not looking good overall.


Am I the only one who thinks taking the word of one internet stranger over the other and counting on it to “cancel” the 2nd party is short-sighted? Even of it is 2 or 3. They could be friends, relatives, or competitors. Not saying this is the case, but how do we really know?

If the posting were reversed and a broker calls out a bad customer (and this has happened), everyone jumps on the customer’s back and calls for banning. So it is rather interesting to me that the first person to speak up automatically becomes the truth. Odd.


What’s odd is the fact that the broker in question has not said a word publicly while there are pages long threads about a core aspect of her work.


I appreciate everyone’s passionate perspectives on this issue. We have been following this very closely, now that a second occurrence has been brought to our attention and there’s evidence this is a recurring issue.

We are gathering as much relevant information as possible, including reaching out to the original poster, before taking any punitive action. I want to emphasize that this thread was created less than 24 hours ago, and while we wish to be immediately responsive to the community’s concerns, we also want to act fairly, in accordance with due process, and not act in a knee-jerk or otherwise rash manner, without first hearing from the party in question.


There are four similar incidents. Three in review thread. One other where poster elected not left a review after he got his refund.



Yes but a link to this thread within the broker’s review should address all of this.

Future prospective clients won’t know about a slap on wrist or temporary ban. Nor likely ever see this thread.

Yet they can see the reviews at any point in the future.

Also likely forces the broker to publicly respond or lose business. Linking this thread into the review pages is a big slap on the wrist in itself.

@njc @AutoNinjas is onto something! Something that will likely unveil itself sooner or later!

@sharksfan15 i think it is the fifth and there are similar issues on bimmerpost. If I remember seeing correctly she was already banned from Bimmerpost!


I hope so - I am all for accountability, glad someone else picked up the hint.


I have appreciated that ‘checks and balances’ have already been built into the LH system via reviews, understanding no system will satisfy everyone and cover every possible event. Unless LH wants to inject themselves into transactions among members, I see no better way get to truth (especially for members looking to lease through a broker) beyond what already exists. When a member leaves a negative thread/review, it should also include a revision if the situation persists or was resolved. Members would then benefit from the timeline of events, and these things could be resolved more quickly, rather than dragging on for weeks or months.

There’s another new member above that claimed the same, but not sure why they removed their post.


The people who posted complaints wrote very detailed coherent posts that established a clear pattern. My guess is that they don’t want to leave negative reviews after they got their refund.


I remember not to long ago another established broker here had a similar thread created. Not specifically about a refund issue but regarding the dealer and contract that was signed. All at no fault of the broker.

That particular broker did an outstanding job of owning the issue and keeping clear and open dialogue.


In the end everyone applauded the broker for their efforts.

I am sure they know who they are and as do most people here!

Don’t runaway from the problem instead of own up to it.