Dealer canceled my order, broker ghosted me and is not refunding fee

cool, go back to reddit.


To me, it’s notable that the brokers haven’t chosen to respond or defend themselves in any of these incident threads, or to the negative reviews. If my reputation was being destroyed in real-time, I’d damn sure provide some semblance of a defense or explanation.

I feel like this indicates one of two things: there is more to these stories, or wanton disregard for clients.


only excuse is see is that’s she’s too busy caring for her father (hope he gets well soon) so she don’t have time to reach out to all. However, it seems that she has time for new clients but not for existing ones. Priority should be to complete pending sales above getting more clients lol. I guess new buyers haven’t paid the broker fee so its a bigger priority.

2nd - I agree on the slow mode, helps filter out noise as people tend to stray from the topic


Exactly, if people were slandering my reputation and I wasn’t a cheat, then I would spend all day and night sorting it out so my name isn’t tattered or left in complete ruins.


I wonder if she’s going to use the same old “banking issues” excuse this time. Or was it “internet problems” :roll_eyes:


This sucks. Very sorry you have to go through this.


Out of curiosity, what was her response to the previous complaint?

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Fraud and deceiving should NOT be tolerated.


There wasn’t one (shared publicly atleast), just like she’s gonna skirt this whole thing this time too. Soon this thread will get buried and it’ll be business as usual. Hopefully mods will have better luck getting a response.


One solution would be for the @moderators or @trusted_hackrs to lock the main deal page until this is addressed. If you can’t deliver what you promised, notify, refund, and move on. Everyone understands that the market is absolutely awful right now. If you can’t get it done, it’s totally ok. It’s likely not your fault. This seems to be a very recurring theme at this point, and, in my opinion, is a poor reflection on all brokers here. Many of us have spent years doing the heavy lifting with our customers only to have amateurish nonsense like this potentially give all of us a black eye.


Agree on it. Makes no sense that she could continue to do business as usual on this platform, and at the same time ghost refund, answer, explanation.

OP sorry to hear what you’re going through.


I want to echo what @aronchi said.

I’m not going to pile on what’s already been said - that’s between the individual and the broker at hand.

While I think most of us @brokers don’t want to throw stones, it’s important to call out concerning behavior.

It’s very disheartening that there are public comments asking if brokers are scamming customers.

Most of us have been on LH as posters, long before there was a business registration.

Personally speaking, LH has been an outlet for me to not only grow my business but a place where I can learn more about the car world. This has been a passion of mine since I started in car sales in the late 2000s. I have Leasehackr (@michael and @littleviolette ) and this community to thank for that.

However, it’s also comes from hard work and dealing with changing situations with every new request. A big part of that is the accountability when things go wrong.

While I think review threads are a good barometer for how someone runs their business I do see how if the community has a problem, it should be addressed.


Clearly she doesn’t believe she owes an explanation to the community. Now it’s up to the mods to make her issuing a statement . Somebody said brokers pay to post which is enough reason for regular users to expect accountability.


I don’t think one broker’s actions (or inactions at this point) should reflect poorly on all brokers. Most of the @brokers on here are some of the most respectful, honest, and helpful people I’ve had the pleasure of working with and getting to know. For what it’s worth, this one broker’s constant refusal to communicate and refund fees (and defend themselves or explain their side every time the issue is raised) does not make me think less of the rest of the brokers on this forum. Your continued hard work is much appreciated.


ya about $500/mo but I guess there isn’t any accountability because there has never been a precedent set for this type of behavior. At the end of the day, all we’re doing is liking comments on what should be done (and is being liked by the people who have the power to do so) but if we don’t see results, it’s all back to square one when it happens in the next month or so.


While I understand the frustration, allowing the other party at least 1-2 days to address the issue — either publicly or privately — is only reasonable before we take any punitive action.


So we may still not know what happened ?


It’s none of our business to know, unless fraud has actually been committed, which is illegal and should be dealt with accordingly, we have no right to know until everything is solved. That being said, I hope to god everyone just waits for cars to touchdown instead of custom building, BMW in particular are yanking features from cars without forewarning.


I heard from the broker today and they said they would start the refund process. I don’t think the broker is a thief or a bad person, I’d ask that the community refrain from negative or otherwise not constructive comments.


Thanks for the update, once things are sorted, it’ll prob be good to have a bit of an update from the broker or you just clarifying the situation, if appropriate. That way, their reputation remains intact. Because by your tone, sounds like just an honest misunderstanding.