Chevrolet Blazer EV... Reservation & Ordering Discussion

Similar vibes in our homestead.

My wife says she loves her new blazer EV because it’s $125/month.

It’s also surprisingly roomy for a 5-seater. Ride quality is also very good. I like the huge screen (but not the software running it).

Cons? Everything else. But that’s okay!

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I’ve called 3 or 4 dealerships and they are saying the conquest does not apply to the blazer ev. Is it regional as of July?

Do you have any opinion on a Equinox?

Could anyone educate me on the difference between Equinox and Blazer?

Sorry, we didn’t even look at the Equinox, so I can’t comment.

Size. Blazer is mid size and equinox is compact. Also equinox has super cruise.

Got close to this deal today in the Bay Area
~4900 one pay ($3600 DD + $4500 incentives)

Does yours come with a sunroof?

Since it’s 3600 DD and 4500 in incentives, the answer is no

No sunroof, not sure if there was an option but I prefer the extra headroom anyway.

Wanted to add that I didn’t really haggle so maybe there was few hundred more in the deal. They honored the Bolt lease even though it was returned over a year ago so I didn’t want to press for more discounts.

For an RS? I am looking to get 2 RS for below 6k each. If anyone can get me one I’m ready.

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Is acquisition fee waiver still a thing? Seeing 1500 conquest 1k Costco and 1k loyalty, no supplier so don’t get to 4500. Trying to get another, incentives in May were better but discounts now really solid.

Have you called future Chevy and asked for Will he’s helped a lot of us out

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@Ursus had this issue last week as well

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And it cost you $30/mo lol

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That should easily be doable. Check out market place. [quote=“Maazy, post:161, topic:565959, full:true”]
For an RS? I am looking to get 2 RS for below 6k each. If anyone can get me one I’m ready.


To get the Lease Conquest offer, can I get a family member (Uncle) to co-sign with me? he has '23 Mercedez EQB on lease.

Context: I am in WA, will register in WA. He is an NJ resident.

The conquest offer is generally transferable to a member of the same household. For GM’s purposes that would mean two people living at the same address that will be used for registration.

Anyone have an extra code for me?!