Broker calculator discussion

This. And the fact some brokers like to include all loyalty/incentives/MSDs in advertised monthly where others don’t.

Don’t see how no calc would be feasible unless there was a standardized term quoted amongst all brokers.

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Actually what smart customers do is ask all the brokers for LH calc quotes, ask for a window sticker or vin to trace where they get the cars from. Go to said dealer, add 2 points of discounts to the deal then get the new deal in store. This makes sure you get the best price and no broker fee.

Just be honest and say thats what you plan on doing. Nobody here is looking to make LH deals the core of their business.


The whole reason brokers exist is because dealerships are awful. There is literal feedback on here about your dealership where you are the only guy who can do the numbers and is relatively transparent about it.

Brokers provide convenience and smart consumers here use them for convenience. How else do you think this platform supports so many of them?

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I agree. Transparency is great. Which is why brokers provide links to begin with. I’m sure brokers knows that there are many clients that use their links to cross shop or negotiate and plenty scored deals using their links. Again, I don’t think they care if they do so.

Issues arise when some try to disrupt the balance.

I think all parties add value to the community…except for the :spoon: :baby:

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so what’s the alternative here then? the brokers just advertise deals and then nothing? at some point you’re going to have to show your work aren’t you?

Ideally the broker should also send a window sticker or vin. as well as their dealer contact



After they pay I’m happy to introduce them to my dealer side counterpart.

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Seems simple enough… if you don’t want to share a calculator link, don’t?


and the next time around, you wont see/hear from that client again. you have zero control over your clients and you give them away to your dealer. that’s why you have to keep going back to this bottomfeeder pit.

At least he’s still driving traffic to the website!!! :joy:

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Doesn’t @AutoCompanion actually do this lol?


Why would the dealer give a walk in customer the same price? I feel like anyone, with enough effort, can find out where we all get our cars from. That doesn’t mean they will be offered the same numbers.

They’re buying one car every 3 years. I sell at least one a day for them. We have no value if we can’t get the best price, on leasehackr at least…


don’t some of you guys have a sort of non-compete deal setup with the dealership? i remember one broker posting that the dealer wouldn’t offer the same rates and would deny the customer if they tried to match.


Refer to my last post. It’s not a non compete. It’s just the economics of the relationship.


Why do I care if the customer walks in or they come from a broker? In fact the walk in customer I do the delivery myself so I can hopefully save the survey lol


In other news every arrested criminal is innocent just like they plead!

Lately, it seems too many bottom feeders and folks are looking to be spoon fed on this forum, If a broker posts a deal without a calculator link, you (as a potential client) can always gather all the required info (MF, RV and incentives from Edmunds) and put together your own calculator. It literally takes 5 minutes. Here is a calculator link.

If a posted broker’s deal aligns with your expectations, then pay the broker fee and go with the broker, If you can get a better deal on your own, then go that route. However, if you plan on sharing a broker’s LH calculator with a dealer so that they can either match or beat that broker’s deal, then shame on you.

If you can’t afford to pay a broker’s fee (whether it be $199 or $599), then that broker probably dodged a bullet. My $0.02.


wait what?

Those of us with solid relationships with our stores do in fact have an agreement that a customer that tries to skate the fee with documented and meaningful two way contact only gets offered full boat+rate+adds as a final sales price.

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Yeah my dealer knows for the most part the people that are coming from leasehackr. Basically bc they’re asking for my numbers. They get quotes like every other walk-in or internet lead.

I try to price my deals so that even with paying my fee, my customer is saving at the very least $1000, usually more. Can’t wait for all this msrp shit to be over with though so I can beat on all models.