BMW New Car Programs (and Retired Loaners with < 5k miles) - UPDATED 5/8/2019

Possibly. Waiting to see what kind of approval I can get on pricing.

All this talk about 15%+ off on a NEW 2019 530e is hilarious. Maybe in other regions they have trunk money on this model but in So Cal there isnā€™t. Invoice is 6% and anything beyond that puts us in the red.

Thereā€™s a reason that @JamesBond isnā€™t getting a counter. 15% is a ā€œpotentialā€ discount on a loaner if itā€™s been sitting long enough and the dealer is motivated. Yes weā€™ve all seen more (on a loaner) but thatā€™s the rare exception, not the norm. As far as a new car discount on this model, itā€™s an insult or a laughable request. The quote above - if itā€™s real (strange how the word ā€œNEWā€ is a totally different font than the rest) - shows a 12.4% discount which would be a negative $4k deal with no factory support to cushion that blow. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not possible if the stars aligned, meaning maybe that dealer needed only a few more new cars to hit some major factory bonus for the month. What I am saying is that if youā€™re going in with the expectation of 15% off a new 530e, youā€™re going to be disappointed no matter how good of deal you get which only sours what may end up being a crazy good deal like the one @bmw4 claims to have (which he hopefully locked down already and should be doing back flips over).


If people have time to photoshop a deal sheet (which is very tempting), they got way too much time on their hand. With all the information on the forum and lease sheet from Dave, itā€™s not impossible to get close to 15% on a new one. Emphasis on ā€œnot impossible,ā€ meaning very VERY rare. As they stress out all over the forum, itā€™s all about finding the right dealer on the right day on the right inventory. I myself saw the Texas 530e deal and was scouting for a unicorn. Wasted about 2 weeks, got my expectations straightened out, and signed a 3 series in like 4 days.

It was my first time leasing, and hell I probably have spent 50+ hours learning and talking to the dealers. Although it was fun and learned what to do next time, I was very distracted at work. If I were to go back, I would just hire a broker off the bat or get one of the deals the dealers post. Itā€™s a great deal if you donā€™t want to get your hands dirty. Hindsight 20/20, my time wouldā€™ve been way better spent if I had hired someone or went with one of the deals here. By the time I realized, I was in too deep in the process.

Hereā€™s a quick tip for first timers: 10% off new & 15% off loaner is realistic, 15% new & 20% loaner isnā€™t (but still possible. If you want one, get ready for the stressful month of your life.)

Anyways, attached is the initial offer to the above 12.4% proposal.


Sorry to bump such an old responseā€¦ I want to make sure I have this correctā€¦ fleet stacks with the lease rebate AND all the other usuals- grad, OL, CCA?!

Fleet changed. You either get fleet price, which varies by car, or incentives. Dealer is the only one that can tell you fleet price. Choose the better of the 2 programs.

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Hereā€™s a quick summary on how the different scenarios line up because almost everyone has either loyalty or conquest (unless your the person that just moved here from NY and all you have is a bicycle):

  • Best Scenario = Lease Credit & Loyalty
  • If you donā€™t have loyalty = Corporate Sales Program is better than Lease Credit & Conquest (unless you also have College Grad which canā€™t be stacked with CSP)
  • If no donā€™t have loyalty or CSP = Lease Credit & Conquest (assuming the model gets conquest)

So again, CSP is better than conquest but not as good as loyalty. And if youā€™re eligible for multiple rebates (not counting the lease credit) such as loyalty/college or conquest/college than stay away from CSP because itā€™s not stackable with anything.


Better explanation than mine :slight_smile:

Together we knocked it out of the park. :wink:

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Whatā€™s the fleet amount for the 530e? Can one apply for bmw cca if using fleet?

Very well stated. Thank you for helping explain and assisting in setting really expectations.

And this coming from someone who spent countless hours going through it. Time = Money and the deals I present are best use of both. :+1:t3:

CSP canā€™t be combined with dealer discount, correct?

Yes it certainly can. It cannot be combined with factory rebates.

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This is for the East, I think. CCA is not related to any incentives, so why not?

MY2019 in my region = $4k

I donā€™t see anything on the CCA site that says it wouldnā€™t be eligible but you can double check meā€¦

Thanks. It says up to 4500 ā€¦ ā€œup toā€ :confused: would be nice to get more exact numbers.

Also the dealer discount is up to the discretion of the dealer when using fleet? It isnā€™t cap like with Volvo?

Ok thanks. So an extra 500 from conquest and incentives (like you mentioned it is better but same as loyalty and incentives). Appreciate the info.

Does the dealer get any additional money when a customer uses fleet or it doesnā€™t matter to the dealer aside from the incentives available?

Yeah, I guess it is not like a-plan. But a-plan had been changed last May to limit sale price at invoice. Before that it was the same.

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OL code okay with fleet?

No additional funds for the dealer. Itā€™s the same either way to us.

No. CSP gets nothing else.

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Oh. Then fleet isnā€™t really worthwhile if one has an OL code plus at least conquest. Thanks.
(Assuming the OL code is 1k)

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