BMW New Car Programs (and Retired Loaners with < 5k miles) - UPDATED 5/8/2019

UPDATED 05/08/2019

Due to a recent change in company policy these program grids will no longer be posted here on a monthly basis. I will still be providing direct quotes on any vehicle in stock, any dealer trade or any custom order.

Please call, text, email or PM me directly if you are in the market for a BMW or any pre-owned make/model and I will gladly send you a quote.

Thank you to all for your continued support!

Dave Townsend
Internet Client Advisor
951-440-2483 call/text


Great information, thanks Dave !

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Very useful. Thanks Dave.

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What a great easy to read explanation of all the possible scenarios to get the best discount possible on a BMW lease. This will be very useful to many.

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Thanks Michael! My hope is that I can provide all the information people need so that they can use the LH Calculator and figure out whether or not a car will work for them. Then when they find one that does, they can pull the trigger quickly and not miss out on an opportunity.

I think I’m going to change the post to be ALL TIME programs and I will just update it every month. That way it will all be in one thread and people can even go back and see how the programs got better or worse.


Thanks Dave! How can we use LH to calculate scores without knowing the agreed-upon selling price/full terms?

For the eDrives, is the federal rebate added on top of the Lease Credit? For the 330e in NorCal (MSRP around $47k), I’m getting a total lease cost of less than $5500 when I put in 24 months/15k miles. Am I doing this correctly?

You would still have to contact me or a CA in your area to inquire on a specific Stock # and get the discounted selling price. I don’t want to eliminate my job completely! :rofl:


There are no federal rebates when you lease a BMW iPerformance Plug-In

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No problem! Kudos are well deserved!

This is the kind of information that makes Leasehackr so great. I’m sure it goes without saying, but @BMW_Dave is the man! I was able to help a co-worker find a deal that he picked up from Dave yesterday. The whole transaction was seamless from start to finish.

That was the second car in as many weeks that Dave was able to help with.

Thanks again!


Thanks for the business, the referral and the shoutout bro!


Hi Dave

Great info! Can you please put this OL code use to bed?

Can you combine it with fleet or is it either/or? I’m getting mixed messages from different dealers

Hey Dave,

Do all of these stack?

$3000 lease for 3 series
$750 loyalty - current lease
$500 USAA
$1000 College grad (June 2016)

Thanks for your help!

P.S. wish you still had that 340 in stock, working to get a similar deal up here near Portland.

To my knowledge it cannot be combined with Corp Fleet. But the OL Codes are always different it seems, from event to event so I can’t say that with absolute certainty. Best answer is it’s case by case depending on the source of the code.

I’ll have to review the footnotes of USAA to see if it can be combined with College Grad. I know Corp Fleet cannot now but I’m not positive on USAA. I can check tomorrow when I’m back. All others are fine. By the way, I love how the 340 actually sat for a week or two but now that it’s gone, everybody wants it. :joy:

Thanks for this info Dave.
I have to look into how I can obtain an OL code!

How do you approach BMW dealerships that state they don’t allow loaner leases? Are you able to negotiate on these types of leases (if found)?

you move on to the next dealer. if they say no, you’re not going to change their mind.

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Pretty much what @mp11477 said. And yes you can ask for a lower price or base MF (if they’re not offering it) but most dealers aren’t going to negotiate on loaners as they’re already heavily discounted. Hence the reason you would lease one instead of losing time negotiating on a new car.

Thanks for the input. Is it worth having a loaner lease shipped if you buy it in another state if you find one that fits your budget. That’s somewhat rhetorical obviously ha.