BMW New Car Programs (and Retired Loaners with < 5k miles) - UPDATED 5/8/2019

Due to a recent change in company policy these program grids will no longer be posted here on a monthly basis. I will still be providing direct quotes on any vehicle in stock, any dealer trade or any custom order.

Please call, text, email or PM me directly if you are in the market for a BMW and I will be happy to provide a clear, concise and transparent quote!

Dave Townsend
Internet Client Advisor
951-440-2483 call/text



i3 REx is still 63% for 24/12k?

Interesting edge case, a loaner with under 1000 miles. I emailed them for clarification - I imagine it’s still no, but would be good to know for sure.

Yup (20202020202020)

So the $1,000 allowance for test driving, do I just go in, test drive a car and they give me a $1,000 coupon?

Can someone help me figure out this deal BMW X5 demo/loaner under 5k miles MSRP $61585 sales price 52587 36/10 monthly $888.39. this does not make sense to me at all and the calculator puts it at $565 with tax.
Any help will be appreciated.

can’t help without more info:

  1. What MF is being used?
  2. Are they requesting any upfront money at inception to cover CCR/Fees?
  3. What are they charging for DMV/Doc/etc?
  4. Tax rate/State
  5. Are incentives included in the sales price, or separate?

Can someone share MF/Residual on the i3 REX


it’s in the chart above…BMW MF is .00166 across the board. 36/10 is 58%.

First post had the residual adjustments…


For 12k miles subtract 1%
For 15k miles subtract 3%
For 30 months add 3%
For 24 months add 6%

So, a 30/10 would be 61% with a MF of .00166

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Thank you, I did not look at the chart carefully.

The reason why that information was missing was because the dealer did not provided.
I’m in KC, MO area.

Again, there’s still not enough info to give you an answer. If the dealership will not provide the info, they are not being transparent and, you can assume they are attempting to hide something. Move on to another one.

Agree, thank you. Still waiting for a reply from delear.

There is a link you could have accessed.

The 1,000 discount will be applied by an OL code sent to your email.

What other discounts other than Lease credit and Loyalty be applied towards loaners<5k
One dealer in Ohio told me Corporate discount cannot be applied to loaners

Thanks in advance

Grad is the only other one that can be used on a loaner/demo.

Thank you…Much appretiated

The OL Codes are not applicable to a loaner, if that’s what was alluded to.

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I was just quoted by a South Florida dealer for an X5 loaner with 4700 miles roughly $750 a month with 1200 down. Selling price of the vehicle was 50995 with an MSRP of $58945. I asked what the Net Cap Cost was and stated it was $54K. Gave me the figures over the phone so I was completely blown away by his numbers. He was pushing for a new one as opposed to the loaner.

I’d like to know what other fees other than doc and acquisition were rolled into the $50k to get to the $54k number. Also, this was with the $3k rebate applied as well.

eh what’s the point… move on or counter and explain how the norm off MSRP prior to incentives is 18-20%… if they cannot do that then good luck moving the vehicle, but to call you if they are willing to make a deal.