But the grille is so ugly.
But she’s intelligent and has a great personality! If she lived with you, I bet you’d learn to love her too!
Nope, I will keep seeing that bucktooth
you don’t see it when you are driving it
Me: “You can’t see it when you’re inside bae, plus the character line running across the grille and front to back really adds a 3rd dimension that breaks up the flat nose, it just looks flat in 2D pictures, it’s much better in real life, we should at least take a look”
[at the dealer]
Her: “Hmm, nope. Also that monstrosity with the light-up red pigsnout they have up front [that launch edition XM, whatever it’s called] is making me nauseous so can we leave now?”
It’s because your car is all black … auto show design studies are rarely black because black kills all the design cues.
Still the worst is
To quote the great American philosophers, New Boyz, “She looks better with the lights off”
Nope, still need to cut the 70% of the bottom grill to look good.
Bmw design peaks at e39 n e46. It went downhill from there.
I’m already desensitized to the ICE 4 series grille. Maybe because long ago Audi established the design language of grilles that run almost the entire vertical length.
But I hate the super wide grilles of the I5 and XM, etc.
You can get the same design if you sit your bare ass on the glass of an office copier and hit Start.
I feel like this 100% accurate statement still overlooks that this is the “MySpace Profile Photo” angle for this car, which shows its best angle
while hiding the hurt easily seen from any other angle.
There is a lot of related discussion in the main iX and XM threads, most also follow a theme
Icks is a pretty good name for that thing.
Gotta say after seeing a few of these on the road, they are thoroughly underwhelming. Give off zero BMW vibes to me. Not impressed
But what do you think about the design? hehehe @z0lt3c
Says every BMW owner when a new model comes out lol. My thoughts. BMW wanted a business commuter car that was fun to drive.
Yeah kinda like how the 7 is already growing on me lol but idk this one is a tough one i think