Advice for dealing with speeding tickets?

I had a similar problem on my MacBook Pro. Funny enough it worked without a hitch on my wife’s MacBook Air. I also have a cheap Chuwi laptop I use for Windows only programs and it works on there too.

Thank you.

I ended up uninstalling/deleting everything I’d done previously, rebooting, and then starting over.

I was able to get the Uniden app to recognize the R7 that was attached to the laptop via USB cable, but the R7_v133.141.113_db200710.bin file is nowhere to be found.

At this point I need to decide if I’m going to just return it, or try this all over again when I have access to my iMac this weekend.

FWIW, I bought my R7 during the Summer of 2019 and it has never been updated. You don’t need to update it for it to work.

I get that, but I’m sitting here with a brand new $500 device that’s supposed to be capable of firmware updates.

I’m not trying to trick it into making toast.

You get some additional features but it’s not a deal breaker for me. The updates just give more features like improved BSM filtering, improved laser detection (not useful - laser = instant ticket), and updated red light cam database.

I did update my Uniden 950 (older detector) using a Dell XPS though following Vortex’s instruction. Based on the issues you are seeing, I would check the drivers and ensure that they are correct/updated.

Check RDforums on update tips too. How to Update the Uniden R7 Firmware | Radar Detector & Countermeasure Forum

I would try it on a different computer and use a different usb cable. Some usb cables are not capable of transmitting data, just power.

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I think I’ll try it on my iMac this weekend.

I’m using the USB cable that was included in the box with the detector, but I’m sure I have some spares. (The current problem, though is not being able to find the .bin file from what I downloaded.)

The item is returnable until 2/21, but my patience will wear out long before that. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the suggestions.

The drivers are brand new and I just downloaded them directly from Uniden… but I’m past that obstacle – at least for now.

Now I can’t run the update program from my laptop according to the instructions provided.

This is the single biggest problem with my current detector, which is incapable of updates due to its design and age (I received this detector as a gift and it’s in use in a different car).

I am still running the previous update and I don’t find the BSM filtering to be bad by any means. Now I think that is because I have certain K bands turned off and X band turned off completely. Most cops are using KA bands and you will find MRCD in a few cities (mostly red light/speed trap cameras).

This. BSM filtering is already very good on the R7. I turn off K/X because my area does not run K/X as well too.

Still trying to torture my new Uniden R7 into functioning as designed, and the chances that it will be returned are currently sitting at 99.41%.

From my Mac this time, I was able to download and install the drivers without too much effort, and the device was viewable from a Finder window when attached via USB…

… however the Uniden download tool still can’t see the detector.

I know it’s early in the year, but I’m predicting that the Uniden R7 will end up being in the top 3 worst purchases of 2021.

Ask for some help here.

I just returned the R7 to Best Buy.

Just looking at the box from across the room filled me with dread, so I never actually made a third (fourth?) attempt at the firmware upgrade.

I haven’t decided if I’ll get another R7, something else entirely, or just go without.


Get the escort max 360c. Range is not as good but it is extremely use friendly with an app and over the air software updates. You could also look at the Valentine 1 Gen 2, but that requires some know-how (not as much as the R7) to get an optimal setup.


I’m running a Redline 360c w/ M1 right now and would second the vote for the Max 360c, which is moderately discounted relatively often these days. Used to have an ALP w/ 4 heads in my 981, but unless you’re constantly pushing license-testing speeds, that’s a bit too over the top for most normal use-cases.

The directional arrows in the 360c series are nice, phone-paired updates are relatively smooth (make a hotspot, use app to connect detector to hotspot, update, rejoice), Vortex’s settings do a pretty decent job and are easy-ish to configure via the app, and Escort’s customer service has been great in the past. All in all, worth the premium they cost imo, and no Windows laptops needed!


Back to the OP
I found a document online years ago that ran the ins and outs of defending moving violations. Used it to get out of several with “trial but declaration” in which I made my arguments using traffic data from the city, vehicle codes, and supportive documents such as the officer’s training record on the LIDAR device, the calibration certificate for the device, etc. It’s amazing what one can do from their laptop.


Can you share that document with the community here?

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I haven’t had a radar detector in years but isn’t the Valentine V1 the gold standard for detectors ?

No false readings and easy to read arrows displaying where it’s coming from

V1 G2, Uniden R7, Escort 360, and a few others are all in the same league. Which one is “better” is largely a personal decision and depends on a host of variables…range, false alert and BSM filtering, GPS, customization options, 3rd party app support, etc. It’s a complete rabbit hole you don’t want to go down unless you’re in the market :grinning:

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What is the discounted price you’ve seen?