$424/m Audi e-tron One-Pay or 9 MSD($429) CA only

Them’s fightin’ words!

Absolutely not.
I’m about to take a 7.
But I’ve never had an A8 yet (had 2 of the last gen 7s) and really like the new model.
However, I don’t want to lose the 7 (95k msrp 729 true sign and drive $0 DAS)

You’ve got $18,000 marketing incentive vs ~10% higher RV and lower MF. Something tells me 740i will still come out ahead.

Yeah… I crunched the numbers with MSDs, one pay, and every other way I can think of. But the fact is, BMWs lease better because BMW financial operates with inflated residuals. It’s awful when you need to get out of a lease early, but the lease payment is lower while you drive the car. I discounted the car 28k plus 2k loyalty, 30k in incentives total, which is insane, then at a buy rate, with 9 MSD, I’m at 650+ tax.


That’s 36/10 with 0 DAS, only MSDs, right?

Next month 2019 A7s???

I met AudiGirl in person on Monday and she hooked me up with a glass repair specialist.

I was driving up from LA to SF to deliver one of the my recent unicorn eTron deals to my brother on Saturday night. Just as I was leaving from Cupertino to SF, a nice rock came bouncing on 280 just before the CA 92 exit. I heard the impact and then saw the starburst chip in the center of the new windshield.

Reading some posts on AW where some had a similar experience in May- the glass then had to be ordered from Europe. Quoted $1400 parts and then install/computer calibration. Total ~ $2500.

I had to wait until Monday since all the service and parts were closed. I messaged AudiGirl on Sunday and she booked an appt on Monday with their glass specialist that Audi Fremont uses. In 30 minutes, he was able to improve the starburst 90% into a small dot.

Mahalo to @Audigirl #GoBears


@AudiGirl, emailed you twice several days ago. Are you still working here?

You’re welcome! #GoBears


Yep. Sorry I was off for two days. Needed to catch up on sleep. Back at work today. Will reply to all the emails today.


Hi there… Looking a solid deal on 2020 A7… Looking for blue on brown… Let me know what you can do on it. Heard great things about you here from fellow hackrs.

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Are you actually doing that deal on A8s?

Yep. I only have one left. Within an hour of my post, sold one. It’s 3.0 not 4.0.

Strange… I don’t have an email from you WSM. Not even one.


I don’t have any 2019 A7s left. Sold them all last month. Get an RS5. Totally different car but more fun. :grin:

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Here is the email that was sent, day and time.

How To Get Loyalty and Costco (Works only during COVID)

  1. Lurk around Costco parking lot until you find someone in an Audi.
  2. Compliment his/her car.
  3. Propose a COVID marriage. “I’m tired of sheltering alone, aren’t you? Wanna get married?”
  4. If yes, file for a marriage license immediately and move in. If no, wait for another Audi owner.
  5. Lease an e-tron with loyalty and Costco.
  6. Wait until you receive a statement from AFS.
  7. File for an annulment on the ground that the marriage was caused by social isolation stress.
  8. Enjoy E-tron for the remaining 23 months. :grin:

Obviously, it’s a joke. Please don’t get married for the loyalty rebate. 2k isn’t worth the headache.


WTF? Is someone hacking my emails? WSM, would you please resend? I don’t have it. I checked the spam folder too.

Which costco do you visit? asking for a friend of course

:rofl: :rofl:
Sadly, I don’t have Costco. But I have an employee discount and I can be found in Audi Fremont parking lot. Answering for your friend of course.



Can you clarify if you lease out of state?