2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4XE

yah, add 3% for 36/10.

Ok thank you :pray:

Thanks for the update!

So a 3% increase in the residual on a 36/10, but an increase of $895 from $595 for the acquisition fee from last month, and a raise in the MF to an effective 3.36% from 2.35%. So basically a wash and it ends up being same price as last month in terms of monthly?

Is my math correct? Please correct me if I’m incorrect on anything

Would be worth putting together a calculator to verify, but yah, seems to be about right.

Was hoping I was wrong. Darn. Haha

But doing a one-pay would be an improvement from doing a one-pay last month, correct?

The RVs came in worse than I expected for the GC 4xe :frowning:


Did they just update those? I swear they weren’t there on the 1st…

And yah, those hurt. Gc 4xe is going to be a painful lease out of the gate.

Is that an MRM I spy?

Ccap always has an mrm

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I second this, they were definitely not there on the 1st.

God damn a 7-8 point drop on the limited, that’s just stupid. Seems like the overland which was always the odd one out took the smallest hit, followed by summit (reserve). I’m hoping programs will get better in a couple of months but even if they do… man this will be a tough sell. Edit: forgot to add the $7500 so not that terrible…

Is this for 15k miles?
What about 10k miles per year?

Just add 3

I want to see if our brokers on this forum can do 24months. 24 months seems better than 36 month deals. if the discount for 24month is still 6-7.5%

There’s nothing brokers can do about lease terms, it’s set by ccap and fyi the mf on 24 months will probably be almost double of 36/39

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I will do a 1 pay lease for 24-month lease, if that helps to reduce MF.

It’s your money, but a one pay on 24 months reduces the mf less than on a 36 month term

.00303 vs .00140


well this went over like a lead balloon.

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Disappointing for sure :frowning:

Painful lease, not necessarily painful flip if you got a decent discount on it. I’m def not keeping mine now but I’ll wait until it actually gets delivered and see if it makes any sense to just dump it and pick up some beer money.