2020 Chevy Bolt Premier, $44425 MSRP One pay $6862 (after NJ 5000$ rebate, $1862)

EDIT1: While looking through the contract I saw that the contract says that total one pay cost was $6862, Today I got the check from dealership for $72. So saved some more money since charging cost for me is only 4$ a week.

Signed the car today after going to couple of dealerships. Had very bad experience at my local Chevy dealer (they were absolute d**ks and told me if I get anything under 9000$, I should buy lottery tickets same day). Finally found a Cayenne Orange car at one of the dealerships and went there as I knew someone there. They came back with first offer over 9000$ but after talking to manager and somehow finalized at $6934. By no means this is unicorn deal but I am happy with it as I got the car for free.

Yes, the car is free for me. I sold Nissan Maxima to vroom and got $2189 equity check. I know its not really free, but I dont have to make very high payments for 3 years anymore. So I am happy. I was paying 400$ a month on Maxima.
Here are few pics:

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 Chevy Bolt Premier
MSRP: $44,425
Monthly Payment: $0
Drive-Off Amount: $6934 (Just submitted for 5000$ NJ EV rebate.
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10,000 (When I finalized the deal it was does at 10000, but as I am reading the contract, it says 12000 miles, so I may need to call and ask the sales guy)
Residual: $23,101
Incentives: $6,750 lease cash, $3,000 Costco, $1,500 Conquest.
Region:Northeast/New Jersey
Leasehackr Score: 61.3
Leasehackr Calculator Link: Leasehackr Calculator - Hack your next lease | Leasehackr

I went to Flemington Chevy (GM), Mark Zinych was the sales man. Tell Mark that Shahid referred you. Currently, the dealer does not have any cars, but you can contact them and ask when they will get more.
Here is the link for dealership: https://www.flemingtongm.com/


I cant get the calculator to match exactly to $6934, may be I missed something.

Well done… for what its worth Flemington quoted me $43,119 via email last week for that exact same car. Glad it found a good home here! Enjoy it in good health!


Thank you for all the tips from you. Now I just need to learn how electric cars work and differences between charging states. Its gonna be a long night.

I am applying for 5000$ right now I think my token number is 3661. So I am further down the line from you.

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Congrats, and good riddance to that $400/mo Maxima!


Awesome color - is that really red? Looks more like that cayenne orange.

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Actually it is, let me change that. It looks good, in the evening it looks like red thats why I had red in mind when I wrote the description.

If your residual is $23,101 it sounds like they did the deal for 12k (52% residual).Its up to you whether or not you will need the extra miles or not, and whether its worth going back to get it fixed. That might be the calculator issue. Either way it’s a very strong deal. The 1% residual drop might be worth the extra miles if you think you will need them. I only did 10k because I had two other cars and I was chasing a particular number. 10k made it easier to hit.

Thanks. I will always miss Maxima, it was confused car when it came to personality, but had a character.
I wanted to replace it with either BMW 330 or Kia Stinger. After looking at the deals on Bolt it was too good to pass on.
So yes, I will miss Maxima, however 400$ a month not even a bit.
Btw crazy part is that Maxima had cheaper insurance cost than Bolt, I found that to be very interesting.

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Still working my Bolt deal…how bad is it, the insurance?

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Great deal! Any where I look I can’t find the $6750 lease cash; it states $5750 I am also in NJ. Are you able to point me in that direction?


Premier trim gets $6,750. LT trim gets $5,750.

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For me with clean record, no tickets, and defensive driving course (it was like 29$), the insurrance for 2019 maxima Platinum was 438 for 6 months with 1000$ deductible and state minimum requirements.

Same insurance for Bolt is 665. And the reason I was given was bolt is a different category than Maxima. Progressive said that Maxima had more safety features, but only difference I found was Adaptive cruise control. Everything else is more or less the same.

My insurance company told me that MSRP is a key factor. Is your Maxima $40k new?

Not really, in my case to insure my 2018 Lexus NX300h ( $46k sticker) cost me few $ less than 2018 Honda Accord EX ( $27k sticker). both are leased cars. I have Allstate

IMO generally EV cars are more expensive to insure due to more expensive repair costs and lack of not OEM parts. This is way Tesla came up with their own insurance division or company.



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Maxima was more expensive, I think MSRP was $45k+.

Everyone who is chasing for Bolt right now should use this info or real insurance quote and request additional dealer discount. In @shahid7624 case it is around $1200 over 3 years.

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Yes, had I known that before saying yes, I would have used it as bargaining tool to get additional discount also. However this is only true for progressive.
I would ask other bolt owner with different insurance company to share if it is more expensive for them also.

I’m confused… how is an insurance quote a bargaining tool?