2019 Audi A6: HACKED

Is that sale price before of after incentives?

Before incentives…~53k with incentives.

I have seen 10k off MSRP before rebates.

Totally doable on a prestige with an 80k sticker, but those are ugly leases because the RV is in the low 40s. Or it was the last body style :man_shrugging:t2:

Before incentives…~53k with incentives.
nice deal anyway. 9Apps VidMate


Congrats on your deal, that’s awesome. I’m a bit curious though as I did the same deal as you…kind of, and just trying to figure out how your leasehacker score came out to be slightly higher than mine.

please don’t mistake this as a D measuring contest- I’m seeking to understand and try and poke holes where maybe you or I missed something

Fellow leasehackrs pleasure share input (pasting my deal here so both can be referenced easily)

Extra $1500 in rebates probably helped

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Wondering what other rebates there were though. Total on A6 is $7,250…where did he get the extra money,

Incentives may vary by region

Regional incentives.

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…and here I am thinking Cali had the best deals nationwide. :joy:

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Best weather* :grin:

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That’s definitely what I thought when I was driving home and my car said it was 107 out… “best weather!”


I told myself that every summer when I lived in Vegas…

I’m still grateful for the Cali weather- lived in scottsdale for a long time- try 125 in your car while your seatbelt brands your skin! :man_facepalming:t4:


In all honesty, I based my deal off of yours :joy:. I pushed for ~11.5% off and the RV is slightly higher for 7.5k. For whatever reason there are $4750 in incentives in Chicagoland, not to mention the 6.75% tax rate where the car is registered definitely helps.

Still shaking head on terrible Audi residuals on all sedans


I must say it is really a very good deal.

Regards, https://get-9apps.com https://get-cartoonhd.com

Audi residue sucks, that’s why I got out of my last A4 lease and just signed a BMW 5 series, it actually turns out to be much more cheaper as well

Muwa, where did you get this car? what dealership? did you execute the lease? great deal. Mileage low but whatever is right for you…