$1000 Lexus Bonus Certificate - Open to All - POST YOUR MAY LEXUS DEAL HERE

Lexus US Open Certificate

Click the link above to get a certificate on your new Lexus. Hurry Ends on 5/30/17

Now comes the cool part! How can we use this to create some great leases on LEXUS.

UPDATE: for all those with different names, Lexus is teaching us empathy.

UPDATE 2: Link Working

UPDATE 3: 5/30/17 is when you can no longer get the cert, but the cert itself is good until 12/31/2017.

UPDATE 4: link to get certificate is dead early, looks like we got them all! Congratulations to those that got them they last until the end of the year.


“purchase certificate”, does that work on a lease?

edit: yes it does

“Please check here if you would like to receive a $1,000 certificate toward the purchase or lease of a new Lexus vehicle.[2] Certificate will be e-mailed to you. (Optional)”

Able to get the cert with your name and address? I signed up last night but got “Megan’s” info.

I got some random persons name and address on the cert. WTF

Well, congrats to you and @Jon - someone got certs with your info :slight_smile: But seriously - this is f…ed up.

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Woohoo!!! Rx 350 is already at 15% off in the 400 payment range so the 1k certificate makes it sub 400…

Lol. Maybe their certificate is being run by the guys who developed wannacry :slight_smile:
But 1k is 1k lol, just white out Megan’s name and put your’s in :slight_smile:

I got Mendel from Woodmere NY cert,so PM me if you want it. And if you get my cert from Acton, MA, send it to me lol :slight_smile:

You sold your identity for $1,000 and not even sure you want a Lexus :joy:

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Since you had forewarned me, I entered my identity as Mickey Mouse of Acton MA lol, so not many consequences there. If they had asked for SSN or DOB then I would have had even more reservations. But this cert seems like a Memorial day sweetener, let’s hope we see one from Volvo and Mercedes too

I got a “Mendel” as well. Cert expiration is 12/31/17

Mine was to Mendel as well, also with the extended expiration date.

Thanks Mendel :slight_smile: Medel = Senwia aka the $250 E300 leasehackr ??

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The link to print the cert seems to be actice and constantly updating. Last night, my cert had Megan’s info. Just now, it had Mendel’s. I’m sure if I click on it later, it will change again.

I got “Mendel” as well… So… this is fake?

Did any of you noticed “.net” domain? I doubt that Lexus would have it. But it is “https”.

You can always change the name in chrome using right click and inspect element or hit F12 to bring it up. Example is attached

This will hopefully be useful for an NX that a friend of mine is trying to lease, thanks!

This link works currently. I just tried and see MY info on the cert.

Yeah, no session id’s and other crap in the url.

Can you please point me to the details of a sub-400 RX350? That’s a fantastic deal.