Better yet, ye of the interwebz, YOU tell me where to go while l sit back and relax. Just make sure it’s no more than 10 miles from my house, because Desperate Housewives is on in 20 minutes.
And we should be thankful for these people too.
I have to convince my wife that the X5 is the best car for our family - I’m actually pretty excited to take her in for a test drive, have the guy hand me a quote for like $43k out of pocket and $1,700 a month - that way, when I actually do go hack it, she’ll understand what I’ve done (sadly, she still prob won’t).
Unless loaner 1% seems to be more or less best case scenario on ‘19 X5’s.
Drove a demo 5.0 for a couple days while my new car was getting prepped and it was a very fun experience. Actually gets decent highway mpg when not hooning it up, Can’t wait to see what a PHEV one can do…
@212hackr they won’t even try to understand it. What they care is, did you get the car that I want, color, option @ half the price of what’s the current lease price advertised, aka $399/month for a 3 series with down, they want $199/month no down. Lol
Just got quoted $595 for a sign and drive on a Rav4 XLE premium WITH 7500 demo miles on it. 35k MSRP. Dealership wouldn’t even budge. Absolutely insane and idk what the hell is going on with dealerships here in central NJ. This was at Dayton Toyota. (My credit score is over 750 and I didn’t have a trade). Residual is in the 60-62% range so their profit has to be like 8 or 9k on some poor sucker.
@Cody_Carter, does TFS penalize loaners with RV or miles like Bimmer?
If it’s over 500 miles yes. .10¢ per mile
All miles or miles less 500?
All miles if it has over 500
Yeah, $50 does really make difference
Smart ass
Someone here said that it was an insult
Today I got an “offer” for a $56K X3 xDrive30i for $850pm, $3500 DAS 36/10k. Honestly didn’t ask for a breakdown, I just said “thank you but this is incredibly high”. I know we’re on a free market, but I find these kind of offers even disrespectful to consumers.
It is worth noting that it is the kind of dealer that said they are completely against deals over the phone because of shopping around, which I expressed I was a serious buyer which I’ve leased cars there in the past. They treated me with lots of arrogance as if they were doing me a favor for a quote. I still have 3-4 months until taking a decision but They already lost my business
Better you know now than when you actually need the car.
So, following the same logic, my house, cars, motorcycles and all the other crap my wife buys are paid by the poor clients and employers we screwed, right?
I won’t hesitate to spit on the sidewalk now that I know how bad-ass I am!
I thought I was uptight.
I’m surprised I’m the first one to post this one:
Thank u for posting. I hope it will help other buyers out there, its really upsetting how you just happy to see others like me innocent get bad deals and wait to get criticize on. ill pray for u and the dealership.Godbless
whats the residual on that bad boy?