Worst leases you've seen

i did down play it lol i could do a 5 series

Effective $450/m non-loaner 5-series here, w/o BMW loyalty. But I dont think this post belongs in the worse leases you’ve seen. First pencil is always a bad offer and really shouldn’t be posted here.

I have no idea of the benchmark figures on a 2018 DB11, so tbh I don’t really know if 2750$/mo is a Worst Leases Ever, but a 24,500$ incentive to take it over? :no_mouth: Well okay then.

That should be under best incentive ever.
With that incentive it’s actually solid deal. Over 12k miles a year. $270k car, not bad.

I recognize that car, @anon26863455 that’s yours isn’t it? LH special, 40k incentive 2k/month.

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Good call - you seem to be onto something haha…

And agreed, @Carfuffle, but that’s still rough to have to shell out ~25k as an incentive. Nice for the Floridian who gets it, though!

Yes it’s mine. The problem is Ally is very strict and I’ve had so many applicants denied even with 800+ credit scores and income well into the three-quarter millions


Sheesh, glws.


Good time for a weather related loss.


$580 for a 2017 Audi A4. Even got the thing 10% off MSRP. Problem was I was underwater in my current loan by 4k cuz I scraped the car going through a McDonald’s drive thru. Oops

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I think the in-state thing is killing you too, no doubt somebody from California would love to take this over.

Completely agree.

Your ad copy might be a little confusing to prospective buyers… there is a 24.5k incentive from you but 3k is due to you upon approval of transfer?

Yes because I already made a lump sum payment and will recover a bit from there with the down payment monies.

Bahahaha! $3500 down payment required for the privilege of paying $1445 per month for an RC-F. I had one of these, and it’s a great car, but this person is clearly insane. https://www.swapalease.com/lease/details/2019-Lexus-RC-F.aspx?salid=1440513


The Lexus car cover does look nice. :slight_smile:

went into a MB dealership purely test drive a GLC. wanted to see how it drove with respect to a BMW X3 or LR Discovery. LOL. i didn’t even want a lease sheet since i knew it would be crazy and i was just looking to see how it drove. i think this goes beyond what i imagined ahah

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Utah Lexus dealers KILLIN IT. But it’s an F-Sport bruh.

Link if you’re interested :joy:

How much hecking negative did he roll in.

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Oooof… 2462.07 post-incentive :frowning:

Fully loaded (per the post - not my words), first production year for the comp model, etc. etc. sure…, but wow, looks like that salesman got the gold trim on his new boat.

Edit: looks like it is in TX, so I think they may pay taxes up-front? That may explain some of it…?