Where is auto market headed?


With the exception of a small handful of Manufacturers: No ones desperate enough to give away cars right now.


A $79 tacoma sounds pretty desperate to me. And, no, Toyota is not a small manufacturer

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Bank sets that.

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That article is nonsense. Talking to McLaren and Ferrari about auto sales and the economy is like talking to U2 about playing weddings this summer.

Very little in the way of “information” in it.


Yasssss c’mon down the deals are AMAZING

How good? Dealers are advertising prices about 3% to 5% below sticker price, based on an unscientific review of Southern California dealer websites. Manufacturers are offering rich incentives — 0% financing, 84-month (seven-year) loans, and 90 days before the first payment is due — on a wide variety of vehicles.

5% off MSRP is a “nice to meet you / GFY” auto reply from any Volvo store.

It’s a BARN BURNER out there :rotating_light::fire::money_with_wings::fire::money_with_wings::rotating_light:

Staff writer at the LA Times. Blowing the lid off this industry secret. You can get 3-5% off MSRP and 0% until the car falls apart in your driveway.


This writing appeal to the same types of people, which I’d say is majority, regardless of what the subject is about. it’s quite pathetic.

Hurry up before this deal is gone! … It’s Black Friday, deals valid today only…It’s Christmas, it’s now or never…It’s a holiday, hurry and buy!

Poor bastard getting 6% off MSRP will think they got one over the dealer

Dealers will now endorse, praise and subscribe to LA Times


Where else will they find toilet paper?

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Agreed. Having spent so much more time reading “news” over the last few weeks it is pretty clear that even “reputable” sources can be, and many times are, full of s**t. This article is no less so.

Other than stretching payments out to 84 months, no payments for 90/120/180 days and “online” sales (like that is new), nothing really is different. Saddest part is that so many people now are probably losing (or have lost) their Tier One credit rating that the “zero percent” is more like 3% to 6% APR for 72/84 months (while the 90/120/180 days stacks with interest), not to mention the $5k to $15k rolled in from the last bad deal that was eaten by the buyer. Could be a win/win for the manufacturer as a unit is off the lot and money is made on the financing - all in the name of “get in here, and we will help you out” marketing.

From what I have seen over the last 30 days, the “deals” are still the same as they were because the hard lessons from 2007-2009 were already learned. My last two deals last week were wins with 2019s, but really the same deal that would have been had regardless of the current economy.

Only significant change over the last few weeks has been more follow up from sales, GSM and GM staff but that has been the trend anyway with more robust lead software and ticklers popping up more frequently to lure the fence sitters in for the purchase.

Also agree with the “hurry, deals won’t last” thing. That has become the battle cry of everyone selling anything or any service. Eaten up by the weak-willed.

Hope you are all safe and well. Stay healthy!

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It’s not that reputable sources are full of BS, it is that you are reading a general publication while being an expert in something. There are niche publications for everything. Understanding car sales is complex just like understanding many different industries be it aviation or cloud computing.

That said, Mr. Mitchell probably should have gone on KBB.com and realized the deals he were writing about were actually high gross deals for the dealer.

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5% including incentives, actually. :wink:

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No, I said “that even “reputable” sources can be, and many times are, full of s**t.”

I meant what I said. LA Times, NY Times, WaPo - all recently have had utter nonsense printed that was apparently not fact checked, had cited non-peer reviewed research and contained other shortcomings. Don’t get me started on CNN, Fox, et al. online and on TV. WSJ and PBS seem to be an exception.

You don’t have to be an expert to see this now in papers, online, TV. Journalism per se is a lost art and is no longer a profession as it once was. Why? because it needs to be cheaper, faster and sexy for clicks and short attention spans so as to placate the lowest common denominators.

That LA Times article doesn’t need an expert to call it for what it is, but it helps. :wink:

Agree. No deals right now because nobody is buying. No reason at all to rush out now to buy or lease. Interest rates are plummeting and will stay low for some time (low money factor). No car company in its right mind will be increasing prices. Stay tuned for incentives.

We can agree on that. I don’t think it’s as much by choice as a loss of revenue. There was a time when NYT and WaPo employed way more people and had the ability to do a better job. Have to somehow do it and make a profit.

Local journalism is even worse and even more dead.

Have you asked the brokers and industry people in states where dealerships are open? The answer may surprise you.

What rate has moved in 2 weeks?


Do you even read WSJ?


Not to mention these genetic articles are possibly written by bots. Investigative journalism is still strong, however, it seems the magic phrase “fake news” is apparently good enough to discredit everything.

Yes, more often than I read Leasehackr

I definitely need to get off LH and concentrate on WSJ then.
p.s. can you share your subscription?