Waiving Sales Tax on Lease

How do we find out which car brands during which months waive sales tax? In Texas Btw

it’s by Dealership, not ‘brand’
If they have any credits left, they can offer it.

It depends, it’s different for every brand.
BMW for instance was offering tax credits for most of 2023 on EVs
For everyone else it seems to depend on the dealership and “absolutely not” and “might be avaialble if you start walking out the door” are purely subjective. I’ve had luck with Nissan providing them in the past. The biggest issue is those instances where they might be offered, it’s usually out of scope for the sales person and it’s something the GM or finance or whoever has to approve, so you have to waste time before getting a final answer.

Also depends on the captive bank being used.

The captive offers the sales tax “credit” not the dealer. And they (captive) can pick and choose which models they want to offer it, i.e. not all BMW models will have it available when the captive offers them. Dealers may have a finite dollar amount allotted to them or a finite number of tax credits available.

Right now, Infiniti is offering a partial sales tax credit on QX80 and a full sales tax credit on QX60s. I know because I was in the Infiniti dealer earlier this week. They are trying to get me out of my existing QX80 lease and into a new one. Don’t think I’ll do it now, but I did go look.

There is really no way to know when or what brand is offering them except from the dealer. There is no schedule on when they are offered.

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Its by bank if its available and then by dealership if they openly apply it.

With all this taken into consideration I’m seeing it as:
You have to get lucky when doing final negotiations and nothing one can do to find out before walking into dealership?

What brand / car are you looking for? Many times a few of the TX based brokers or dealers here will list it on their posted deals in the marketplace.

Why would you walk into a dealership unsure of numbers?

You can always email and ask but doing research here will often get the answer too.

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You’ll have to ask the dealer if lender sales tax credits are available on a lease. What is this mystery car you are looking for?

No mystery car.
Just looking to get a simple Mazda cx90 at 1% msrp as monthly payment with $0 down.

I’ve done this 4 times with Mazda but now dealers are acting like this no longer exists and are quoting $800+ for a cx90

So I need to ask a dealer of their lease lender sales tax credits are available? I didn’t even know dealers had a lender for leasing out their cars

Who did you think was financing the vehicle? The dealer themself?

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Captive bank offers tax credit as a promotional tool.

Sometimes it’s there sometimes it isn’t.


The 1% bs is going to do nothing but mislead you as to what a good deal on a vehicle is. Forget you ever heard of such drivel.

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Does calculation still hold true to a ‘good deal’ from pre covid to now? I haven’t leased since right when covid started

1% has never, under any circumstances, been a reliable indicator of if something is a good deal or not.

Sometimes 1% is an amazing deal. Sometimes 1% is a horrendous deal. You could be targeting something impossible or you could be overpaying by thousands.

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Could you explain how it could be a bad deal

Absolutely. We’ve had a bunch of $120k EQS deals come through here around .5% of MSRP. If you were paying 1% of msrp on that because you thought it was a good deal, you would have lit about $22000 on fire over 3 years because you followed a stupid rule of thumb.

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Have you looked at a single deal in Signed Deals & Tips ?

This is just for a plain Jane Mazda. I used general rule or 1% for the previous Mazdas. Nothing special pretty ordinary cars and that was my gauge

How does this apply to normal cars under 40k?

With this said, what are you asking them to see if there’s tax credits before walking into dealership