Volvo XC60 Questions & Advice

  1. Yes ($1K for most but S60, which is $3K)
  2. Yes, and you should - for the first part of your question.
  3. Yes.

$1,000 for MOM. $3,000 is only for R-design and Inscription. :slight_smile:

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Yes, correct. Who wants MOM, anyway when you can have S60 T6 Insr/R for almost 2018 330i payments? But he’s not even talking about S60, I think. XC60 in the title.

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Thanks for your help. Yes, XC60 (not S60)…and I’m a she :slight_smile:

I also checked the A-plan site, and it looks the same as Costco except you only get $750 instead of $1000.

Again, I’ve never dealt with Volvo before, only BMW. So to summarize:

  • Shoot for 10% off MSRP before incentives
  • Then take $1000 off for Volvo factory incentive
  • Then take $500 for USAA incentive
  • Max out MSDs

Please let me know if this seems like the correct plan, or if I am missing any angles before I start to negotiate. Thanks again.

Sorry for that, I can only tell that @AP919 is a she :slight_smile:
Yes, go with Costco, not a-plan. This way you can combine 10% discount with $1,000 Costco cash (according to @nyclife) and get $250 more than on a-plan +$500 USAA + all Volvo local incentives.
Post your offers here when you get them. Good luck.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Volvo XC90 lease help needed

Now I’m confused. I thought it was either negotiate my own deal or go with Costco’s 6%.

Are you saying I could first negotiate my best deal, then after we agree to the price, ask for the $1000 Costco, $500 USAA, and $1000 Volvo cash?

Well, now we all confused, thanks to Quentin lol

So, if Costco did not change from last year -

  1. then it is 6% + $1,000 Costco cash.

If Costco program did change, as Q said -
2. then it can be anything below 6% + $1,000 Costco cash.

But in the case #1 dealers can still sell below invoice at their own peril, and still make money.
So I think you should negotiate your best price and then show them Costco, and see if they take it.

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Was there any resolution on the question as to whether or not I can negotiate my own discount and still get the $1000 Costco cash?

Only if the dealer is willing to risk a chargeback. I was told it was in a memo 3 times (to state the point) at my dealer, clearly stating fixed pricing.

In your case, I would go with Costco and get 12% off + all incentives without negotiation. This way there should not be any monkey business on dealer’s part

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Where does 12% off come from? Isn’t Costco 6%?

There is 3k Costco cash (6%) on @AP919’s 50k S60 T6 Inscr, so total is 12% + all incentives

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But I want an XC60…so it’s only $1000 Costco cash. So I was thinking I’d be better off trying to negotiate 10% off (or more?) on my own, plus $1000 from Volvo and $500 USAA. Right?

Right. I was replying to @AP919

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Update: I have contacted 4 Volvo dealers who all have vehicles that would meet my needs. 2 dealers have responded and said that the Costco deal is the best they can offer. 2 other dealers have not replied with any pricing information at all.

Do I have unrealistic expectations to be able to negotiate a deal that’s better than Costco? Maybe I am just used to BMW…but I have never found it so difficult to get someone to let me buy a car from them. It’s like they have a sales prevention department (so, so, so different from BMW).

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

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I was wondering if the “experts” could please take a look at this deal I have on the table? Any help would be greatly appreciated! I can also add 10 MSDs, but those aren’t listed here.

Is anybody able to weigh in on this, please? :slight_smile: @Ursus?

So, $46,070 includes $1,000 Volvo allowance and $500 USAA for a 10% dealer discount? I guess it’s OK considering low incentives. But I would wait. Too much for a T5, IMO. Did you check incentives on a T6? They are much higher, at least in NE, mid-Atlantic and in FL. Also, check the MF on Edmunds - I don’t think I’ve seen .00073 there.

Thanks so much for the reply.

They said I couldn’t do USAA in addition to what they already gave me. I will have to ask about that. I have been on Edmunds, and am certain .00073 is correct for T5 Inscription FWD. The Momentum is a little higher at .00080.

The numbers for T6 AWD Momentum are:

.00067 MF and 57% residual
$1500 Volvo Allowance
$1000 lease bonus

The thing is…I am not finding many T6’s in the color I want. I still have a month left on my current lease, but was going to turn it in early because I’m afraid the inventory will be even worse next month as the 2020’s start to come in.

Any thoughts?

Thanks again.

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