Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2021 Volvo XC40 Recharge
MSRP: $60690
Selling Price:51409
Monthly Payment: $648.90
Drive-Off Amount: $2500
Annual Mileage:10k
MF: Can’t locate on form
Residual: $31,558
Region:Northern NJ
Leasehackr Score:7.6
Leasehackr Calculator Link:
enjoy your car
.00208 based on the contract numbers
Congratulations and enjoy! Post pics in
it’s a list deal. almost like there were no p8 postings in the marketplace, including some FROM THIS VERY DEALER.
@mllcb42 Oof. I guess they snuck that in there regardless of my “tier one” credit score.
It is a signed deal. Ya say “congrats” and move along.
Buy rate looks to me .00193, so it’s not the worst mark up I’ve ever seen.
What was the $2500 rebate?
There’s also $7500 in volvo allowance rolled into the selling price.
Overall, I was happy with the 15% off the MSRP and the moderate payment. Another dealership offered a $734 monthly with $8k down for the same car.
This isn’t 15% off. This is 0% off after you factor in the marked up mf and properly separate out the incentives.
correct. this is a list deal.
I still cannot comprehend why anyone would want this over the ICE version at this price point, or over any other EV for that matter…but hey, at least you (and the dealer, no doubt!) are very happy with the outcome
Might as well try to find one that qualifies for Charge Up and Stack Costco with it for this kind of money. Won’t be as nice but it would be a better value for sure.
Well it’s a proper luxury SUV that does 0-60 at 4.3s, with android based infotainment system. Ideally one should be able to drive off at $500ish with minimal due at sign, not many competitors in this price range. The E-tron was a better lease but it’s long gone and even then it’s a much slower car.
If the MF isn’t so atrocious I’d be interested in it personally.
Don’t forget Allstate BonusDrive for $500 back upon submitting proof of paying for another vehicle: BonusDrive Allstate | Vehicles
It’s like, why even be in this forum?