V60 CC lease is up in June.* Looking at the C40 Recharge for replacement. Incentives look pretty good! ($7500 EV credit; $2500 Costco; $500 Loyalty)
What I could use some feedback on:
KBB estimates trade-in value of my V60 CC at ~ $5.5k-8k over buyout. Is it reasonable to expect that range for trade-in at Volvo dealers?
I’m 24-months into a Hyundai lease I’d like to get out of, with KBB estimated trade-in at ~ $5k-7k over buyout. Looks like Hyundai is being a PitA with releasing titles, but it’s possible. Do I stand a chance w/ trading in to Volvo dealer (in addition to V60), or should I go elsewhere?
*thanks to everyone here for the big assist in June 2020! Other than a very leaky moonroof it’s been very fun to drive.
Thanks! And wow, yeah, Carmax offer is quite a bit better actually.
Also found out via Vroom that my OMV misreported mileage on the Volvo by nearly 100k miles (!). So that’s good to know, and wouldn’t have known it without your suggestion. Cheers!
The incentives only exist because Volvo got greedy with the MSRP, and the car never sold at that price. Look at the TCO of the C40 vs similar vehicles; don’t look at single line items.
You’ll never know until you try. Ofc Volvo dealers don’t have to compete with anyone except each other, and unless you have a lot of them nearby then it’s a pseudo monopoly.
Sometimes your only recourse is to buy it out and then sell it to the highest bidder.
You’ll likely have more luck trading the V60CC into a Volvo dealer in a big wagon market. Based on the number of XC70s I see driving around Falls Church still, I’d gander that Northern Virginia is one of the most popular wagon markets for Volvo aside from New England. Might be worth it to trade in here and then ship a C40 back