US Bank lease end help


Curious about how to handle this; lease end letter states “$.25/mi overage charges” but my original lease documents state “0.20”

When should I bring this to their attention? Final inspection is next week, not due back until 10-10-19. Should I call them after inspection or wait for final payment demand and then dispute?

It’s .20¢ to purchase mileage upfront at time of lease or .25¢ at end of term.

My docs state .20 as penalty. Checked it 3 times. Dealer must have messed it up, but that’s not my fault.

If dealer messed up, USBank should not have accepted the original contract. Can you post a screenshot of your contract?

When I get home I will

No one has advice?

Well when you get the bill and if it says $0.25, call them and say they better check the original contract, as your copy says $0.20, bring it up with the inspector too. Have you called and asked about it yet? :spoon:

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I am going to ask inspector. My thought was to wait for bill since my fear is that if I mention it before final bill, they will be tougher on pushing for excessive wear and tear. Just curious if anyone ever had issues with US Bank

I doubt the AutoVin inspector will be able to give you any guidance since they just inspect the vehicle for a bunch of captives and send them the report and pictures for assessment.

My brother had a similar thing happen with Chrysler Financial a few years back, however the contract said 0 cents per mile over. He returned the car 20K over and although the dealer tried (weakly) to get him to cover some of it, he never got a bill.

Because it’s US Bank, I would call them directly soon because they are terrible to deal with since most CSRs know little to nothing about leases. There is a group within US Bank that are only suppose to assist dealers, but are helpful and somewhat knowledgeable if you can get to them. I would document everything it case it gets to the point where they are assessing late fees, etc. if they bill you for the full amount. I had to get CFPB involved before US Bank corrected the issue and provided an appropriate lease credit based on my issue.

How far over do you expect to be?


Yeah, what @Britten440 said. Inspector is just a middleman, like the dealership. The contract is between you and USBank. Inspector can tell you anything and it really wouldn’t matter in regard to the mileage. They have no control over it.

I assume this is an FCA product. Have you looked into selling it to Carvana or Vroom? If you at least break even on a sale, the lease end inspection and mileage would be moot.

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OP - You are in the clear. Just call US Bank up and tell them the overrage on your contract is 20 cents. Ask to speak to supervisor or even send it in writing with a copy of the contract. It’s either a paperwork error or a recent change on US bank’s part but your contract is your contract lol. Good luck!

I’m only over by 6k. Nothing terrible. I just didn’t know erhardt too do about it. I will teach ot to them soon. Thanks everyone!