UPDATED: ‘17 BMW M3 MSRP 92.4k, $5k Down, $496 + Tax

Of course, you wouldn’t send anything unreasonable. Thanks for reaching out to him!

Can you send a link to any of those having trouble finding a comparable one at that MSRP, trying to scope some deals at 92K+.

I found one at 81K MSRP :

Heh, for $496, who wouldn’t take it? I think, you’re secretly making an offer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


^ I think those two still available and been there for a while. ~800 monthly payment and ~90k msrp


16 payments left
89k MSRP
$3,500 down (+ Transfer fee I’m sure)
$837 + Tax

16 payments left
(If it were) 3.5k down
(adjusted) $589 + Tax

Other one is an M4 and I don’t really get his Math his posted is $1,270 lol.

Java Green only require 500 down if you look at the swaplease. You need to read all the threads
M4 one is willing to give all 6.8k msd as incetives to the new owner
BTW, those two are there for a while which means it is a fair deal. Some good deals in 700 range will be gone in no time

I think your friend should take the 4k offer. I think it is a fair offer and only 1k off of what he is asking. The longer he waits, the more payments he ll make and the lower the offers will be.

Lol he asked you for a link, you gave a link, and now you’re telling him to go look for another one? Just provide them upfront otherwise you’re just wasting time.

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yup, i got my 18 for 710 after tax, high 1800s a month left for miles, just paid assumption fee

Ok if the car I posted was at $500 down (Let’s assume $4,500 rolled into payment) that would still be $760 + Tax on a $3,000 more expensive car… Java Green is still $500 down $837 + Tax

If you want to find out the truth, you need to look at it yourself. If I just provide a summary, someone may not convinced

Yes.But it is a 2018 m3
Your M3 may beat the Java Green. But how about this one

I take it this is the car

This has nothing to do with the truth, but if you want to challenge someone, you better come prepared with proof. Like I said before, you’re wasting peoples time.

OK, so the consensus here is:

This deal is in the same ballpark as other similar leases on Swapalease. There may be better or worse deals available, but per the research from users above, this appears to be middle of the pack.

Let’s refrain from additional banter. It’s a beautiful car and Samson is listing it as a favor for a friend.


Okay. Not going to waste your time anymore. Have a nice day

This website sometimes is such Bs, this is a great deal. I member I had a 540i 71k msrp for 580 a month here and everyone was bashing me. I put it on swapalease and sold it the first day. I got so much activity it was unreal.

Put it on swapalease and sell it fast.

If you can find a new 93k msrp m3 for 840 a month w La county tax and $0 das/ 1300 miles a month… show me…

That’s why in almost every transfer offer on here the first thing someone says is try swap a lease etc., what is judged a meh deal here is most likely a top 10% deal in the rest of the world.

“If you can find a new 93k msrp m3 for 840 a month w La county tax and $0 das/ 1300 miles a month… show me…”
But op car is not new, so comparing to a new car deal is not apt. Hence comparisons to other used cars.


This site is specifically focused primarily on the best possible deals. So shoppers here are discerning, to say the least.

It’s also free free free to post lease transfers here. As such, one should expect critical appraisal of any potential transfer.

The folks who are primarily focused on finding a lease to take over, on a site where sellers pay hundreds to list and shoppers come off dozens of dollars to even contact them, are at swap a lease.